22 BS thread


I feel like this place could use a thread dedicated to 22's (and whatever goes out with your 22's!).

I recently got picked up a Savage MKII FV-SR, tons of fun and much cheaper to shoot than anything else I may own. I'm still trying out different brands and "models" of ammo right now to figure out what it likes. Going to be a paper puncher unless I decide to try for small game.

My girlfriend has a Marlin 795 w/ a custom paint job, krylon blue done by yours truly. It is accurate enough, very reliable and super fun to shoot.


mmmm .22 s what a great round. ive got a fair number of them in my locker. current favorite is my Ruger American Rimfire. been headshotting grouse all season with Aguilla SSS 60 gr bullets. nice combo, NO noise as they are about 60ish db when fired


pt1 pt 2 pt 3 Your correct as it uses a long bullet with a SHORT case. in some semis they dont stabilize or even reload. See my thoughts of it in my GSG 15. But for grouse with my bolt action love em. My Mossbergs its 50 50 one they work the other not so much.


YEA i have a habit. love the GSG and RUGER but i have the mossbergs for visitors .


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I compete in Conventional Smallbore Prone, rules specify .22 long rifle caliber. It is all prone slow fire using a sling for support. Standard tournament is two days. Day one: 100 shots at 50 yards and 60 shots at 100 yards using metallic sights. Paper bullseye targets. Day two: same format but use of a scope sight is optional.

I use a Remington 40X-B target rifle with original factory standard weight barrel. Redfield International metallic sights and a Unertl 20X scope. Lapua Center-X target ammunition.

My wife's shoulder gave out so she switched from conventional sling shooting to F-class. In F-class either a front rest or a bipod is used for support. The tournament format is the same except a scope can be used both days and the target scoring rings are much smaller. As in the 50 yard 10-ring diameter is about twice the bullet diameter.

She shoots a Remington 40X target rifle with original factory standard weight barrel. It has an aftermarket Shilen Benchrest trigger which breaks at 4 ounces. Her scope is a 24X Redfield 3200. Due to the unforgiving nature of the target she shoots Lapua Midas target ammo. At 50 yards she shoots perfect (20 shots all in the 10-ring) scores on a regular basis. Fewer perfect scores at 100 yards where wind will push a rimfire bullet a long way.

Both of these Remingtons were built in the 1960's and are still going strong. We both have a ball competing with with the .22 rimfire.

Could not find my pictures of just the rifles so here is me at the Rocky Mtn Regional Championship, Byers CO:


Mary after a practice session when she still shot with a sling and before she got the Redfield 3200 scope:

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I recently got picked up a Savage MKII FV-SR, tons of fun and much cheaper to shoot than anything else I may own. I'm still trying out different brands and "models" of ammo right now to figure out what it likes. Going to be a paper puncher unless I decide to try for small game.

Look to me like you have a rimfire F-class T/R rig there. If you're in AZ the Ben Avery Range hosts the "Western Wildcats" prone and F-Class rimfire tournament in March.

For most of my life a .22 was just for fun. Then I got into formal target shooting with a .22. Initially it was just as practice for the big bore stuff. But I got hooked on rimfire competition in it's own right.

=> A suggestion for anyone who wants consistent precision from a rimfire: Treat yourself to some quality target grade ammo. At the lower end are CCI Wolf, then S.K. Jagd. I understand Norma .22 match is quite good but have never tried it. From there it is all uphill into the high end options from Lapua, Eley and RWS. You can spend $0.60 per round for the best stuff.

Eley has several grades. Their "Club" brand is inexpensive but it never shot well for me.

You rarely find target ammo at the local store but it can be had mail order. Send me a PM if you want source info.

All .22 target ammo is 40 grain "standard velocity" at 1050 to 1080 FPS. This is counter-intuitive but standard velocity .22 ammo has less wind drift than the high velocity stuff. It's complicated but the amount of drift is based on not just bullet flight time but the percent of muzzle velocity lost between muzzle and target. Air resistance increases as a cube function (IIRC) vs velocity so the HV stuff loses velocity at a much faster rate than SV. This is the opposite of what happens with a centerfire bullet where higher velocity means less wind drift. Thing is centerfire bullets are slick and aerodynamic while the .22 round nose flies like a brick so what you learned about centerfire does not apply to .22 rimfire.


Title didn't say it needed to be a long gun......here's a 1954 Colt Woodsman with original, box, target, pamphlet and tool...complete set....oooooh and by the way, it's a tack driver:)
Very nice.

Colt Woodsman was an itch I never did scratch.


pt1 pt 2 pt 3 Your correct as it uses a long bullet with a SHORT case. in some semis they dont stabilize or even reload. See my thoughts of it in my GSG 15. But for grouse with my bolt action love em. My Mossbergs its 50 50 one they work the other not so much.

Interesting! Im gonna buy a box and see how my savage likes it.

Title didn't say it needed to be a long gun......here's a 1954 Colt Woodsman with original, box, target, pamphlet and tool...complete set....oooooh and by the way, it's a tack driver:)

View attachment 484439

22s of all shapes and sizes welcome. Now if somebody tries to bring a 17HMR or something in here there will be trouble

Look to me like you have a rimfire F-class T/R rig there. If you're in AZ the Ben Avery Range hosts the "Western Wildcats" prone and F-Class rimfire tournament in March.

For most of my life a .22 was just for fun. Then I got into formal target shooting with a .22. Initially it was just as practice for the big bore stuff. But I got hooked on rimfire competition in it's own right.

=> A suggestion for anyone who wants consistent precision from a rimfire: Treat yourself to some quality target grade ammo. At the lower end are CCI Wolf, then S.K. Jagd. I understand Norma .22 match is quite good but have never tried it. From there it is all uphill into the high end options from Lapua, Eley and RWS. You can spend $0.60 per round for the best stuff.

Eley has several grades. Their "Club" brand is inexpensive but it never shot well for me.

You rarely find target ammo at the local store but it can be had mail order. Send me a PM if you want source info.

All .22 target ammo is 40 grain "standard velocity" at 1050 to 1080 FPS. This is counter-intuitive but standard velocity .22 ammo has less wind drift than the high velocity stuff. It's complicated but the amount of drift is based on not just bullet flight time but the percent of muzzle velocity lost between muzzle and target. Air resistance increases as a cube function (IIRC) vs velocity so the HV stuff loses velocity at a much faster rate than SV. This is the opposite of what happens with a centerfire bullet where higher velocity means less wind drift. Thing is centerfire bullets are slick and aerodynamic while the .22 round nose flies like a brick so what you learned about centerfire does not apply to .22 rimfire.

Looks/sounds fun. Maybe if i can get it extracting reliably I'll think about a comp. Live far far way from ben avery.

I like shooting the 200yd and trying for the 300 yd plates at the rio salado range. So far my savage likes cci standard the most. Havent tried any match ammo in it.


Yup ,what a great caliber. Today a friend and I headed up to the local range and had a game of battleship. Shot a whole bunch and all it ran was a box of .22LR . Well 50 rds, as for this stuff I use Federal blue Econo box stuff. Set up at the 25 yd line it doesn't take too long to shoot the game THE GAME


Picked up a cheap Cricket 22 Rifle to convert it to a packing rifle with the Ruta Locura PRK kit. I have had this for a few years now and serves its role well.

Skeletonized Stock PRK Specifications:
-19oz total weight for converted rifle with kit
-32 Inch over all length when assembled
-20 Inches long when taken down
-14 Inch trigger pull
-.22 LR
-Uses stock Crickett sights, adjusts for windage and elevation
-Single shot bolt action



Picked up a cheap Cricket 22 Rifle to convert it to a packing rifle with the Ruta Locura PRK kit. I have had this for a few years now and serves its role well.

Skeletonized Stock PRK Specifications:
-19oz total weight for converted rifle with kit
-32 Inch over all length when assembled
-20 Inches long when taken down
-14 Inch trigger pull
-.22 LR
-Uses stock Crickett sights, adjusts for windage and elevation
-Single shot bolt action

That would be handy.

The Eugene Stoner designed Armalite AR-7 is a magazine fed semi-auto, It breaks down and stows in it's own butt stock. It would be a good car or back packing rifle. It's now made by Henry Arms:
That would be handy.

The Eugene Stoner designed Armalite AR-7 is a magazine fed semi-auto, It breaks down and stows in it's own butt stock. It would be a good car or back packing rifle. It's now made by Henry Arms:



Im torn on upgrading the glass on my savage right now. Currently it has a bushnell 3-9 which is more than enough magnification but the glass quality leaves a lot to be desired and im spoiled

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