2k quiet gendrators


I already have a few thousand miles on my Lifan 125 powered CT90.

Lovin it.

But Id be hard pressed to opt for a generic version of a Honda generator, when reliability is job-1 if you are full-timing it.
With an HF store on just about every major corner within the 48, getting a replacement within a day should easy. If it is that critical maybe you should have two or a back up electrical plan.


Well-known member
last time I had an extended power outage at home I lost more money in my deep freeze than my honda generator cost me.. guess if your only ever going to use it for recreational reasons sure, but I need mine to keep my pipes from freezing and house flooding in a blizzard, so saving a few hundred dollars dont seem to be worth all that.. shrug.. good luck finding a generator when there's a hurricane or blizard or any kinda natural disaster that causes widespread power loss.. I cant even get an air compressor from harbor freight right now to clear my sprinklers because everyone else wants one, shoulda bought one a month ago.

when I was young, hadda live in my pop's workshop for a week when we lost power in an ice storm, he had a wood burning stove out there.. my 2200 is my backup electrical plan, it can keep the furnace and deep freeze alive no problem.. if you need multiple generators your already over the cost of the honda.
dreadlocks yes if you are considering a generator for emergency outages that would result in the loss of property or life then by all means buy the best generator you can afford. Consider it as buying insurance. You may never need to use but glad you have it when you do need it.


I know nothing about generators but have also been eyeballing the 2k inverter generators, with an eye on Honda and Yamaha because of their proven reliability, but also wondering about the Generac, Champion, and others. Not personally interested in a generator from HF.

So I'm just curious about a few things that have been mentioned here:

I have two of the 2K Yamahas. Did a lot of research a couple years ago and decided they were the best technology and best value. Biggest advantage is the fuel gauge, and the ability to run the carb dry without emptying the tank. I'm just going to stop using gas with ethanol in it because it causes too many problems, but straight gas is pretty expensive so can run regular pump gas for emergencies or when using for prolonged periods. I

Why is it an advantage to be able to run the carb dry without emptying the tank? Not sure I understand what you mean by that.

Like DD I also did tons of research one thing I also found is the Yamaha engine has twice the life expectancy of the Honda.

Just curious where you came across that info?

Catch it on sale and then use one of the 20% off super coupons. There are actually a couple of android apps that will track HF coupons.
Coupons are great to have but unfortunately they cannot be used for the generators (for many of the more expensive equipment they sell...like welders)

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Well-known member
@IPA, if you leave gasoline in the carb then put it in long term storage the fuel turns into varnish and gums everything up (especially worse w/Ethanol mixtures), generally running like crap and hard to start til you take the carb apart, clean it up and put it back together.. worst case the float will get stuck and it'll leak fuel all over the place next time you go to use it.

The Honda 2200EU (2.2k not 2k) was just released this year, first update to the 2k generator in like a decade.. they added this capability, so that complaint is moot unless you buy a used 2k honda.

To store small gas engines, mower or generator or anything.. cut off the fuel supply while its running, let it drain the carb and shut down from fuel starvation, then the carb wont gum up with bad gas.
Why would you bother chancing it at that cost, when for a just a bit more you can get a Honda 2000EU ?

Or even better, find a clean used one for less than $600
I'm not sure if you understand. The Predator is a 3500 Watt as compared to the Honda at 2000 watts. Similar price points...

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White Turtle Adventures & Photography
I bought a generator from Walmart years ago for $100. Yes it is Chinese knock off, not any where as quiet as the others. I leave it out in the rain and snow and -40C temperatures 365 day a year. Only time it refuses to start is when the gas is low and the only time it fails to keep running is if the oil is low or old. Would I recommend it - yes. Is is quiet - Not even close. I figure for $100 it was a good deal.
I'm actually waiting for the 3500 Predator to go on sale again. I need to buy a second one to parallel and give me 7kw for my mobile shop setup. When you consider the cost savings of the HD Predators versus Yamahas or Hondas x2 the numbers are pretty big...

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I'm not sure if you understand. The Predator is a 3500 Watt as compared to the Honda at 2000 watts. Similar price points...

Sent from my REVVLPLUS C3701A using Tapatalk

And the Predator weighs x2 as much too.

99% of the people that need a generator on the road do not need anything more than 2k


Why is it an advantage to be able to run the carb dry without emptying the tank? Not sure I understand what you mean by that.

Storage. With todays crap fuel, even with stabilizer, you do not want gas sitting in the carb as it will gum things up.

Depending upon the humidity level, ethanol fuel can go bad in just a few weeks.


Active member
I know nothing about generators but have also been eyeballing the 2k inverter generators, with an eye on Honda and Yamaha because of their proven reliability, but also wondering about the Generac, Champion, and others. Not personally interested in a generator from HF.

So I'm just curious about a few things that have been mentioned here:

Why is it an advantage to be able to run the carb dry without emptying the tank? Not sure I understand what you mean by that.

Just curious where you came across that info?

I know nothing about generators but have also been eyeballing the 2k inverter generators, with an eye on Honda and Yamaha because of their proven reliability, but also wondering about the Generac, Champion, and others. Not personally interested in a generator from HF.

So I'm just curious about a few things that have been mentioned here:

Why is it an advantage to be able to run the carb dry without emptying the tank? Not sure I understand what you mean by that.

Just curious where you came across that info?

It was a while ago, I think it was Hondas and Yamahas web sites.
And there is no such thing as ethanol free or pure gas. Federal only requires labeling if it contains 10% or more ethanol. You are wasting your money on so called pure gas.


I guess it will be Yamaha or Honda.

I already have a regular loud one for when the power goes out. I want a quiet one for camping and I can also use it when my power goes out as a back up. I live a out there and power outages happen but rarely for more than 8 hours. Usually from frozen lines.

My camper will run off 1500 watts so my power requirement isn't high. I don't want to have to worry about getting an electric sight when I go camper camping, electric sights book out months in advancedvance out my way.

Harbor Freight is out of the question for this purchase for me.
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