Icom IC-2720H seems like it would work well for you. You seem to have liked the icom interface better than the yaesu--I also think the icoms are more user friendly. The 2720h has a removable/remote mountable faceplate, supports aprs and can cross band repeat. So what? Well, that gives you access to your truck radio's power and antenna from an HT when you are out hiking. Also, your v8000 was a 75w radio, that may have affected your impression of the 50w 7900. For antennas, a nmo mount on your roof is an excellent choice. A dual band comet antenna would get the job done just fine. Take a look at the sbb and csb lines of dual banders and choose the length you want. The major difference between them is that the csb line is stiffer and has a foldover hinge while the sbb series is more flexible.