Ham Radio
Like most folks we have Cell Phones and air cards for our computers.
Since we spend a lot of time beyond the range of cell service we have
invested in Amateur Radio ( Ham ) A license approved by the FCC is
required. There are three levels of license and most people start
with the first level and work up. Upon passing the exam the FCC will
issue a license with your individual call sign. My call sign is AB7KD
and you can insert this in Google and it will show my location. APRS
Also you can send E-mail using your Ham Radio and send and receive
text messages to other Hams. You can connect Ham radio to a computer
or GPS and see other Hams in your location
Email is limited to only 65 characters however you cannot receive
Email. Good for emergencies.
The first level allows you to use repeaters all over the US, Canada
and most foreign countries.
Most repeaters are monitored by other hams and some repeaters are
linked to other repeaters around the country and to the internet.
See Repeater link.
Almost every city with a population of 25,000 or more will have a Ham
Radio club. Any radio club will give the license test and will help
in preparing for test. Contact the radio club in your city or the
nearest larger city. PLEASE do not let the testing intimidate you!!
The test is multiple choices and all of the questions are in the prep
for license book.
See Book Link
Another interesting mode is Echolink and it allows you to communicate
with other Hams around the world using your computer when connected to internet. See Echolink Link
Repeater Link
Book Link
Echolink Link
Links for information
This is our APRS link to show our location using a GPS and a Ham
Hopefully this info will help.
Carl AB7KD and Nancy AE6XL