Front end has been a bear, but it’s getting there. Its not total done, but for now here is what I have going on.
1) New steering gear box from PSC went in well. I had to cut a little but of my bumper away to allow the bolts that hold the box to the frame to come out, but easy all around.
2) I mounted the PSC Res on the intake side of my motor using some of the OEM bolts there. Seem like a good as spot as any.
3) The new PSC pump went in, but on the first test drive it failed, just put in the replacement (warranty) in yesterday.
4) I had custom crimped lines made then using those threaded on lines. I also had 2 spare made to keep in the truck at all times.
5) For now I put the ram in the same spot where the steering stabilizer shock went. It wont be there forever, but it will be there for now. I am reinforcing that mount area as it was never meant to have the forced the ram will put on it. I should have those new brackets made and installed by weeks end 🤞.
The ram will live in a different spot eventually, I dont like how it’s exposed to rocks, but for now it will be where it is. It’s gunna take a lot of thinking and playing to move it to the other side (drive side) and for the next few months I don't have that time. So it is what it is for now.