2nd Monongahela WV, 8/24 - 8/27/07


Supporting Sponsor
D'oh! Its cool, Grimmy. Hope you can make it. Keep us posted! :D



Supporting Sponsor
BigAl said:
Chris, did you send out the contact info?

Yup, an e-mail entitled "expo printable contact list". Sent on 8/21 at approximately 9:30 AM. Everyone get it? It contains a link to a web page that shows the contact list.

If not, let me know. I did in fact receive mine. :)


Expedition Leader
cshontz said:
Yup, an e-mail entitled "expo printable contact list". Sent on 8/21 at approximately 9:30 AM. Everyone get it? It contains a link to a web page that shows the contact list.

If not, let me know. I did in fact receive mine. :)

The last thing I got was the easygps link on monday, thanks


Supporting Sponsor
BigAl said:
Chris, got the PM, thank you, btw I think your mailbox is full, no replys allowed?

Yeah, my inbox is full. Sorry about that - keeps happening. I'm going to complain to management. (as opposed to cleaning it) :(


doh, just registered on here today and saw this trip. I don't think I can plan for it in 2 days. Right in my neighborhood too. Maybe next time.


Supporting Sponsor
MossMan said:
doh, just registered on here today and saw this trip. I don't think I can plan for it in 2 days. Right in my neighborhood too. Maybe next time.

Welcome to the forum! It is indeed last minute, but you're welcome to join us if you can find the time. Its just a laid back trip - folks will be coming and going all weekend.


Don't forget to introduce yourself in the general discussion area. :)


Well-known member
Good Luck Grim. Dental work and dead trees suck, hope it pans out well and you get to show afterall.

Mossman, welcome! And as Chris said, you're welcome to show up if you can.

On a side note; What CB freq shall we run this year?


MossMan said:
doh, just registered on here today and saw this trip. I don't think I can plan for it in 2 days. Right in my neighborhood too. Maybe next time.

Welcome. What part of WV are you from exactly??


Expedition Leader
Chris, I love the randomizer, but you need to write a patch to exclude 9:shakin: I think we both have too much time on our hands. :) And what kind of evil person posts a trip 7 months in advance?? Anticipation is killing me.:chowtime:


Well-known member
OK then, um, I'm on channel 27. What channel are you on? Or Al, or Haggis, or anyone? What are the chances we'll all get the same number an the same try? How are we gonna communicate in case we get separated? What if I get lost? What if , what , wh..Oh, my brain hurts!:eek: I think I'm having an aneurism...aahh!

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