2nd Monongahela WV, 8/24 - 8/27/07


Well-known member
cshontz said:
I'm going to head out Monday. :safari-rig:

Hey, did you guys get my e-mail?

me neither....either?

We also are packing up on Monday. Chris, maybe you should PM everyone to backup your lost emails.


Supporting Sponsor
There we go. Comcast wasn't sending it for some reason - possibly because it had too many recipients or something. I sent it via another e-mail account and I'm pretty sure it worked. Sorry it didn't take the first time. I wanted it to go out on Friday, but I was away all weekend. :)

Grim Reaper

Expedition Leader
I think I'm out. :(

Had some unexpected expenses in the last couple weeks including $500 of dental work AFTER the insurance picks up part of it. Just found a 70+ft tall Oak in my side yard died. It is in a stand of trees and didn't even notice it died till it dropped a 35ft long branch on the fence Monday. :oops:

At lease it was on the side of the tree opposite of where I park my cargo trailer. I am going to have to get a Tree person out here to deal with it due to the proximity to the house as well as check the suronding trees for disease and if some of them need to come out.

Just don't think have the spare cash for it (I'm 1200+ mile round trip). Know for sure tomorrow (my original departure date) once my Tree guy give me an estimate.

I'm headed out to fix the fence right now.

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