4d34 turbo advice needed

canter tourer

Interesting discussion, my engine is only 3.9 litre, so a baby compared to the big block 4.9 fuso or 4.2 canter / patrol :) but certainly shows how many variables there are in trying to do this oneself. Pretty much anything I decide on will be better than the slug it is now!
After spending too much time searching the web, (but learning through the process), I'm now leaning toward the td04hl 20t 7cm 9 blade, (https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Kinugawa-GTX-Billet-Universal-Turbocharger-TD04HL-20T-T3-9-Blades-Turbine/282630696440?rt=nc&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D20151029142714%26meid%3D3ac9928147e8434eb49e259e9d82dd30%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D292232508104%26itm%3D282630696440&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851)from what I can gather it should be a good fit for my motor, time will tell....now to do some OT and go shopping soonish.


Crazy Person
It has already been said, but I agree that going with a name brand turbo is a much safer bet.
Cheap stuff from China is normally cheap for a reason, and that's not because they are doing you any favours. Just saying...


Interesting discussion, my engine is only 3.9 litre, so a baby compared to the big block 4.9 fuso or 4.2 canter / patrol :) but certainly shows how many variables there are in trying to do this oneself. Pretty much anything I decide on will be better than the slug it is now!
After spending too much time searching the web, (but learning through the process), I'm now leaning toward the td04hl 20t 7cm 9 blade, (https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Kinugawa-GTX-Billet-Universal-Turbocharger-TD04HL-20T-T3-9-Blades-Turbine/282630696440?rt=nc&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D20151029142714%26meid%3D3ac9928147e8434eb49e259e9d82dd30%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D292232508104%26itm%3D282630696440&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851)from what I can gather it should be a good fit for my motor, time will tell....now to do some OT and go shopping soonish.

I think that's going to perform pretty good, only thing is that's the end of the line for performance upgrades in the td04hl size, so if you want more you have to upgrade to a td05h.

From what I gather about the chinese turbos that you needs to take them apart, clean them really good and look for and burrs left over and clean them up... I think kinuagwara is a fairly reuptable turbo in the end though


It has already been said, but I agree that going with a name brand turbo is a much safer bet.
Cheap stuff from China is normally cheap for a reason, and that's not because they are doing you any favours. Just saying...

This is valid for sure. Question is whether kinugawa/kamak/mamba (are they all the same company or what??) should still be considered cheap crap. They're not all that cheap anymore...
If money isn't an issue then best option would be a UFI unit. They're pretty serious about their stuff, and build some td05s for patrols that make north of 300rwhp..
I think one thing I read that can save a potential failure with a kinugawa (not that there seems to be many now) is taking it to a turbo shop before you fit it and have them assembly balance it.

The td04 should work well for you I think. How much boost are you chasing? And is it gonna be intercooled?

canter tourer

This is valid for sure. Question is whether kinugawa/kamak/mamba (are they all the same company or what??) should still be considered cheap crap. They're not all that cheap anymore...
If money isn't an issue then best option would be a UFI unit. They're pretty serious about their stuff, and build some td05s for patrols that make north of 300rwhp..
I think one thing I read that can save a potential failure with a kinugawa (not that there seems to be many now) is taking it to a turbo shop before you fit it and have them assembly balance it.

The td04 should work well for you I think. How much boost are you chasing? And is it gonna be intercooled?

Agreed, I don't consider the outlay cheap, but acknowledge one can spend significantly more in this area. From what I can find, they are no less reliable than others out there, including name brand stuff. They are not the true cheapie Chinese versions that you can still buy for a couple of hundred dollars on e-bay, but getting it checked first would be sensible cheap insurance.

The plan is to intercool it, I'm not chasing outright power, after all it is a complete slug now, albeit faithfully reliable, but I do want better drivability all round and something that has a vague chance of getting up the hill and is as safe on the engine as possible. I haven't got a specific boost target in mind, at the end of the day I think that'll be determined by how it gets tuned, but from what I read anything up to 20psi should be possible.

I have chosen the td04 because I think it's going to give me what I want, smallest amount of lag possible to help with low down boost, 9 blade turbine to help with exhaust flow, 7cm turbine and 20t compressor to help with top end, hopefully it's the best balance of sizing. I understand it's at the limit of what a td04 can do, but hopefully it goes ok, just concerned if I go larger, td05 etc, that it'll be too laggy and that's not what I'm after.

Again I am no expert whatsoever and have decided on this combo from searching, searching and more searching and I'm happy to give it a go and see what happens...its only money right:) At the end of the day, whatever I choose, it's going to go better than it does now and I get the fun of doing it myself:sombrero:
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Had some time to look at my turbo today whilst it is all rain and no work, the OEM turbo as fitted to my 3.9 is a ME015065.
That part number lists the turbo as a MITSUBISHI TURBO TD05H-14G-12
That's a 12cm turbine housing according to the part number, but I'm sure its supposed to be a 10cm either way there should be plenty of improvement available with just a turbine housing swap.
Checked with a few turbo suppliers that I use and they don't have the canter style housing in anything but a complete turbo or anything other than a 10-12cm so would need to change to V-band or 5 bolt exhaust, further research required...
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I do think a 6cm td05h would be better value then a Td04hl.... I read a qoute once that changed my boosted life

It's not how fast it spools, it's what happens when it spools!

Think corky bell ?


New member
So I have been reading this thread with interest as I have a FG439 with 4D34 3.9L that the previous owner fitted an aftermarket turbo to.
I find my truck runs a bit hot (100Dec C) on the highway around 100km/hr and up mountain ranges if I am pushing it hard.
I decided to up the boost to try and bring the EGT's down and possibly get it to run a bit cooler(runs around 550 -600 deg C) which is pretty normal for an old diesel so i recon he has the pump adjusted about right.
It's only running about 7 psi boost so adjusted the wastegate & no increase.
Ended up removing the wastegate hose and adjusting it 2 turns tighter but it wont make anymore than 8psi boost.

Had a look at the turbo specs today and its a TB2568 which appears to be off a 1994 or so Isuzu 3.9L Diesel.
It has a exhaust AR of 0.67 & compressor AR of 0.48
On the Compressor housing it has M24 & WL 3-1/1 stamped on it.

I would have thought that this turbo would have been a good match for this engine.

If anyone has any info or opinions I'd appreciate to hear them.



Figured I'd jump on this thread too. I've got an old FG434 with the 3.3L 4D31 non turbo. My hair grows faster than the the thing.
So it's getting some boost. It will be intercooled also. The 'kits' with manifold (4D31 and 4D34) all list either TD05's or TD06's. I feel these are all too big for the little 3.3L (rule of thumb is 1/2 the turbo spec Petrol to Diesel)
Example https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Kinugaw...384505&hash=item41a8e27cc7:g:3kwAAOSwFL9TswFD

A TD04L is much better suited to the 3.3L, probably a TD04L 13G or T would do fine, same as a WRX or Forester. Should spool up at lower RPM ok and have enough at 3000rpm.

I'm trying to work out what flange is used between the turbo and the manifold on these kits / the factory 4D34 turbo's. It looks like a T2/T25/T28 flange to me, does any one know?
If that's the case then I could likely get them to make a 'kit' with this turbo, which looks like it would bolt on the manifold


Mitsubishi T25/TD05 flange is different to Standard T25 flange, a quick google should bring up the actual dimensions and bolt pattern.

canter tourer

4d34 flange 58 mm x 74 mm bolts spacing, it's an orphan size wise, t3 is 44 mm x 86 mm, afaik there is no bolt on adapters available and could be hard to make due bolt holes being so close together, I looked at that option myself, but the adaptor gets a bit long and won't fit a dual Cab as space is at a premium, so it's then it's easier to make your own manifold, if single cab, then making an adaptor should be doable as you have more room to play with.
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canter tourer

Homemade manifold to suit my dual cab, not fancy but hopefully effective.


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Cheers guys, the flange is closer to T2 (T25) in a way. T2(25) is 73mm on the long spacing (so the same) but 40mm on the short. Using just two bolt holes and re-drilling could work but would offset the turbo to the outlet on the manifold. In anycase using a T2 (T25) flange the plate on the manifold will have plenty of space, just the existing holes could be a problem. Cast manifolds can be welded though, if done right it's not an issue (just need plenty of pre heating, constant heating while welding and also slow cool down).

Canter Tourer, nice work, somewhat similar to the stock cast job in turbo position etc (ie off cyl 3). Though you've positioned the turbo a bit lower.

How to people intercool these things. Bar cutting holes through the side of the engine bay area into the wheel arches (rather not due to terrain it'll be going through) there's no access at all to the front of the radiator, at least on a FG434 anyways (same chassis and outer engine as a 6 series etc yeah ?) . No space to run any pipes over the engine either, all has to be around the back.

I'm think the cooler may need to go between the cab and the camper body. There's likely not much air flow there, the inlet side would likely be better (cooler), and a fan would be needed.
A good candiate for water/air cooler setup but gets complicated, more stuff to fail etc.

Aussie Iron

Take a look at this thread and it will give all the info on what I did and yes the intercooler lines do run down each side of the radiator low just above the chassis.
All real easy actually if you say it fast. Using an Intercooler from a later model 2WD certainly help but Candy's Canter has a universal one fitted and her lines also run down along side the radiator.
Turbo at this stage is a TDO5-big 16G with 7cm AR on the exhaust side. We are still playing with this even though I haven't done anything with it for awhile.


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