72 C/30 - 4x4 Cummins Conversion


I am really liking the work you are doing MrBeast. You have excellent steel fabricating skills!:cool:

Thank you, I have spent the last 4 years working on a welding and CNC maching degree, It is an amazing feeling to start to see it paying off! :victory:

Code Monkey

I have a few decisions to make now, the 14 bolt has 4.11 gears, the dana 60 has 4.56'es.

I am probably going to be running a BF Goodrich Mud Terrain KM2 255/85R16

With the 4.11's the truck will cruise 70 MPH in 5th gear at 1982 RPM

With the 4.56'es it will run 2199 RPM.

The 4.11's will max out at 115 MPH @ 3500 RPM, the 4.56'es will be 103.44

Not quite sure what im going to do yet.

I have 4.10s in my '97 Dodge CTD - currently with 28" tires (DRW). It has the 5 speed manual (NV4500) with 0.73 OD. I don't like this setup at all.

Since the sweet spot of the stock CTD is 1900, I recommend that you choose your gearing for that RPM at the speed you want to cruise at on the highway. I have driven a number of Dodge CTDs and I don't like the 4.10 diffs with the current tires. I plan on going to a 35" tire (19.5" wheels) and I figure that will be about right for where I like to cruise on the highway (70 to 75 MPH), maybe even still a bit too much RPM (70 MPH would be 2K RPM).


I have 4.10s in my '97 Dodge CTD - currently with 28" tires (DRW). It has the 5 speed manual (NV4500) with 0.73 OD. I don't like this setup at all.

Since the sweet spot of the stock CTD is 1900, I recommend that you choose your gearing for that RPM at the speed you want to cruise at on the highway. I have driven a number of Dodge CTDs and I don't like the 4.10 diffs with the current tires. I plan on going to a 35" tire (19.5" wheels) and I figure that will be about right for where I like to cruise on the highway (70 to 75 MPH), maybe even still a bit too much RPM (70 MPH would be 2K RPM).

Yeah, I have decided for sure that I will be going with the 4.10's its the best combination between economy and power.


So got some work done on the truck this weekend.

Friday night I pulled the truck outside and sand blasted the front frame clean...



100lb bag of black beauty right there, but it worked great, at a cost of 14.00 I think it was money well spent.


Next I threw the cab back on, and let me tell you, the cab dolly is now a permanent fixture on my cherry picker, it works extremly well. It is a wee bit occuard with the doors still on the truck, but it still is just about as slick as can be. Sure beats the 4 friends meathod!

I rolled the cummins over, and before long I had it stuffed between the frame rails so I could pull some measurements off of it so as that I can get the motor mounts built.


Hopefully with in the next few days the engine will be in and mounted and the front frame will be boxed in, and I can begin working my way back.

Tonight I was pretty tired so didnt get a lot done, I cut pieces to weld in where the old 2wd suspension used to mount up, there were some large holes that were taking a lot of streingth out of the frame, and I figure since the Cummins weighs about 300 lbs more than the 454 I might want all I can get.


I also trimmed the frame flange next to the steering box so as that that side of the frame can be boxed.


Hows that for a free hand cut with the torch?

anyhow, hopefully I will have more updates tomorrow or tuesday.



Oh and the new pup was supervising all day (except when I was welding I put him inside)


It is crazy how much Dexter looks like my old dog Palex.



Expedition Leader
Really nice work you are doing there Mr. Also congrats on your new puppy. Looks like a friendly little pup. Thanks for posting the pics so we can follow your build. It is coming along nicely...:cool::bigbossHL:


Tonight I was pretty tired so didnt get a lot done, I cut pieces to weld in where the old 2wd suspension used to mount up, there were some large holes that were taking a lot of streingth out of the frame, and I figure since the Cummins weighs about 300 lbs more than the 454 I might want all I can get.

Wow, I used a forklift to do my engine.....after replacing the oil pan(the engine hoist didnt like the weight much at all)

Oh, and a 12v is about 2x the weight of a big block.... 1295 dry vs 650ish for the big block....

Not splitting hairs... Just something to seriously consider. These torque monsters are HEAVY.

So far man, making some serious progress. I am dying to see it roll it under its own power, as I know you cant either.

Keep it up man....



Wow, I used a forklift to do my engine.....after replacing the oil pan(the engine hoist didnt like the weight much at all)

Oh, and a 12v is about 2x the weight of a big block.... 1295 dry vs 650ish for the big block....

Not splitting hairs... Just something to seriously consider. These torque monsters are HEAVY.

So far man, making some serious progress. I am dying to see it roll it under its own power, as I know you cant either.

Keep it up man....


I have been rethinking my plans too, I have a NV4500 that is a 2wd, I can buy a lot of parts to make it a 4x4 or I can put in a Divorced transfer case, I am seriously thinking about the divorced T-case. If I go the divorced route I will be able to just shorten the current drive shaft a couple of inches and get it to where I can drive the truck around, then worry later about making all of the 4x4 stuff work. We will see on that though, I do need to make sure the exhaust will not interefer with the drive line and so on.

I have a spare 14 bolt, I have been thinking about buying a set of steering knuckles and building myself a drivers side drop front axle out of it, If I did this I would be able to run the ford divorced 205, and also wouldnt have any issues with the exhaust.

Still kind of figuring it out, but it will get there.

And the cummins is a heavy mother for sure, My picker is pretty stout though so it does it with ease.

I definately wouldnt use an auto zone cherry picker to pick one up!


Tonight I got busy on boxing the frame.



Once I had the first piece tack welded in place I was able to drill the holes for the front shackle bushings.



Then I welded them to a piece of 1" box tube and test fit them, everything ligned up within 1/16 of an inch. A little grinding and it will be less than 1/32"

I am eating some dinner then I will be back out there hard at it, I would really like to have the engine mounts built and have it hanging in the frame tonight, but that is a pretty tall order so we will see.


I really like the idea of a divorced case.... can make some things REALLY simple in a bind.

I dont know what you are going to end up with for measurements, but I would see if you can get both driveshafts the same length.... with the same u-joints.... simplicity....

Why not just find a D60 w/ driverside drop? Just curious...or is just because the 14b is already there?


EDIT, wow... working late.... Cant wait to see the progress in the AM.


Well it is back togeather sitting on all 4 wheels again, this time capable of bearing weight because it now has rear shackle hangers.


I am totally happy, I threw the cab back on, bolted it down for the first time in a long time, then threw the seats in it. I got to hop in and sit behind the wheel, and it was a very very gratifying feeling, I rested my foot up on the clutch and the other on the gas, and it just felt right. The only thing that was missing was the stick shift sticking up out of the floor that will soon be there too.

In my head I immagined what it would be like when the truck is running and driving, how it will sound, how it will ride. How it will feel. It is one of the best feelings I have felt in a long time.


As you can see from the image above I even have the steering hooked up. The truck is definately going to need a cross over steering/hi steer setup, but that will come soon enough.


You can see how tall the ride height is going to be, it is up there a ways, keep in mind that currently these are 3/4 ton springs, and before too long I am going to take them down and have a leaf added and then press new bushings in them, this will help carry the weight of the cummins, and it will keep the truck capable of hauling a heavy load.

Here are a few pics of the weld in process on the shackle hangers.


Above you can see how tight the fit is.

I used plenty of heat and burnt them in doing a quarter of the piece at a time. I got really good penatration on the weld.


Then I welded the rest out, and was able to reassembel the front end.

The next big step is getting the frame where the motor mounts are going to go boxed in and getting the motor mounts cutout and welded in. Hopefully by thursday the truck has an engine sitting in it.

Today I did order the Cummins Bellhousing for my NV4500, it should be here by friday.

Next week I am going to get the input shaft and the bearing retainer, with that I will be good to go.

As well I have come to the decision that I am going to run a Divorced transfer case. Going to build my own kit for it however, and in order to do so I am going to wind up ordering a 32 spline input shaft for it, then I will make the bearing retainer and seal cup.

As well going to have to devise a mounting system for it, I am seriously considering a piece that will bolt into the driver side PTO cover.

Lots of stuff to figure out there yet, but for the time being I am just going to consontrate on the things that will make it run. Hopefully I will be able to fire the engine in another month or so.


ok you have envy from me here...... those welds are gorgeous... i still am getting popcorn welds when i weld... i gotta keep practicing..

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