9/8/7 Offroaders Ham Net


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Ok everyone let's give the Offroaders Ham Net another go....
The topic is up for suggestions...navigation, tires, auto vs manual trans, getting better gas mileage.....

I have a BBQ with a bunch of my 4x4 friends this Sat from 4pm on but I am not 100% sure I will have radio range out at the host house.
Therefore I would like to start the net around 3pm when I am at my place and try to keep on the air all the way to his house....
This is a different time than we have tried before so maybe we will get more folks...use it as an excuse to get out in your rig for an afternoon jaunt...
In a perfect world not only would I have radio range but we could then show off the cool things ham radio can do....
However if it looks like no one will be on air...then there are other times we can go for...
later sat pm since it is hot everywhere and maybe after the sun sets is a better time..
sunday pm since that has been a time we have used before...
please let me know when you can get on the air

so if you are new to this idea here is a quick rundown of how we are doing this net & why
the why:
we are using irlp since it gives us a "clean" area of air that we can talk offroad topics and not just ham radio stuff and usually without "regular" hams hearing all our newbie mistakes :)
the how:
first get out your radio owners manual and figure out how to use repeaters and how to manually generate dtmf tones
there are only 2 numbers you will need to know
the irlp node you are trying to hit...in this case we are using the western reflectors odd channels starting with 1 and going up till be get a clear one..so start with 9251 and listen for offroaders chatter
the other number you will need to know is "73" that is to disconnect your node from the western repeater or any other node
now go to irlp.net and on the left click on "node info"
first click on "Connected Nodes and Reflector status " and check out the western reflector see everyone connected to it...see which channels are free?
then look for "List of nodes and Frequencies" and click on it, look for a node near you...or lots of them...look for 1 that is "idle" which means it is not being used...
now after you plug that nodes repeater info into your radio then key your mic and say "this is ?????? attempting to connect to the western reflector" and WHILE YOU ARE HOLDING THE MIC OPEN type in 9250...you should get an auto message & hear lots of chatter since you are now connected to lots of folks..now some repeaters won't let you on the main channel of a reflector but will let you on another channel...so if you get an error message try 9251
if you are successful then make sure you finish up with "this is ?????? disconnecting from the western reflector" and WHILE HOLDING YOUR MIC OPEN" type 73...that will disconnect you
If you have net access during all this you can actually see it happen live by refreshing the webpages mentioned above.

If you have questions please post'em up...if you would like to try this before the net and would like me on air to chat then post up your free times to try...

thanks everyone and looking forward to a great net


2006 Expedition Trophy Champion
Ill be on this week.

Later is better because of that dang sitting in my truck in the heat thing, but really, any time is OK.

Lance- Are we hitting 9250 (the main channel) or a sub channel like usual?


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
So Saturday 3pm AZ time. That's 3pm here also. On 9251.. Got it.. should be able to do this no problem.
Last edited:


Those instruction are very clear. I'll try to set-up my radio and give-er a try. I'm into my first week and have found a couple repeaters locally, sound is clear as a bell.


No go for me. The closest 2M node is Abq, about 60 miles. I just went out to the truck and tried to hit it, but it is too far. I have 2 440 nodes really close, in fact, one in right in my community. I need to upgrade to that dual band radio....


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
blake it will be good to hear from you since you were with me for the first net :)
are you moved yet to cooler colorado?
I also thought about a later net to get cooler temps...however I am trying to show off the ability of ham and this bbq will really be great for that

Socal dbl ck the time diff between az & cali...I thought right now we were the same

pismo it will be great to have you on air

Ursidae69 - sorry the 2m node is so far away...mark-crawler972 also upgrades to dual band for the same reason


Expedition Leader

I joined the Yavapai Amatuer Radio Club last night while attending the monthly meeting. I wanted to donate to the local repeaters, and to get current info on a couple topics - one of which was the local IRLP node.

I'll be attempting to connect via 2M simplex node 3182 - 147.56 (no tone). This is a temporary setup until they get their new repeater online. It's currently located in a private home - dunno if I'll have enough punch to access it.



Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
1leglance said:
Socal dbl ck the time diff between az & cali...I thought right now we were the same

Ok, checked .. you were right.. we are at the same time, i'll edit my post so hopefully no time zone novices will get confused.


Expedition Leader
We'll also be out wheelin' tomorrow, but I'll try to get up to a high point and see if it will work from 50 miles out on simplex...


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
It would be too cool to have check-ins for folks out on the trail...
that is one of the great things about ham to show off is the long range comm and checking in from camp or trail will really impress the newbies


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Wow, what a net today guys! Like what 8 people? Good talking to all you and putting a voice to the text! 73!


I figured out the procedure and hooked up, but too late. I'll catch you guys on the next go round. :wings:

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