I’m considering replacing the front seats. I’m finally recovering after having had my back freak out on me a couple weeks ago, and it has become much more apparent to me that my well worn seats aren’t cutting it.
My first choice, as with a lot of what I’ve been doing would be to replace them with newer, gray, OEM seats that aren’t so worn. Lumbar support would be appreciated... but I don’t have a fortune to spend on them.
Are there years of econoline seats that y’all love?
‘97 leave a lot to be desired, and newer ones look so much nicer. Mine aren’t trashed, but they don’t appear to ever have been award winning.
If I had time and energy, I do have experience with building custom seating systems... but I’d rather bolt in something 1/2 decent and focus my energy on the accommodations in the back. My long term goal for this project would be to have the rear finished before next spring.