97 E350 Winne 4x4- Ski Bum Mobile


I saw your rig up there on Sunday and Monday and I knew it looked familiar. I was trying to figure out who on ExPo it was. I volunteer patrol up there and was out on Sunday working and on Monday got some turns in with some friends. Great conditions, perfect time for a trip. If I see you again I'll give a knock to say hi.


Expedition Leader
I saw your rig up there on Sunday and Monday and I knew it looked familiar. I was trying to figure out who on ExPo it was. I volunteer patrol up there and was out on Sunday working and on Monday got some turns in with some friends. Great conditions, perfect time for a trip. If I see you again I'll give a knock to say hi.
Definitely stop by next time! Probably won't be until next year, but Monday was some awesome skiing. But man it was cold Monday night.


Expedition Leader
Lunch stop!

Very winter Wonderland around Hood.

Somebody likes the truck, he can sit next to his favorite mommy.


Expedition Leader
Well just wrapped up this years Skifari, awesome ski trip lead by Washington Taco. Spent 6 days, 5 nights in the truck, drove almost exactly 1k miles, 3 different ski hills. All worked pretty well.

First day consisted of driving from home to Silver Star in BC. Raining like crazy, low clouds, so didn't get to see much of the scenery, but the drive was fine.
Stopped for lunch, beautiful spot.


Did a few night runs at Silver Star and set up camp. Apparently the people in their expensive condos/cabins didn't appreciate the ski bums in the parking lot, even though overnight parking is allowed, the cops were called..... The RCMP were very cool, the ski hill security guy not so much, he was all pissy. Put the fire out and decided to call it a night.

My lovely wife at the top of Silver Star.

Skied the day, and headed off to Revelstoke. Revy was beautiful! Mountains all around. Skied two days, more bumming in the parking lot, but no issues there. Burned lots of wood.


My Daughter tearing it up! She did her first real black run. It was awesome.


Thats our fearless leader Washington Taco behind her.

Another fire. Had to run to town for more wood (and beer!)


Skied a second day at Revy. Awesome terrain, but the snow was poop,just like everywhere in the PNW this year. Did 22,750 vertical ft the first day, and 18,314 the second. It amazing how long and awesome the runs are there.

Then it was time to head to Sun Peaks. Another fire and dinner in the parking lot, it was a long drive between the two.

It was nasty snow again, so we were relegated to groomers. It was nice and sunny though.

Skied the afternoon with the kid, and Wataco headed for home.

We spent one more night, and headed home the next day.

Our ski bum house!


Then the drive home. It was supposed to be ~6 hours. Ended up taking 12....
Why is the tire inside??

It blew out. Luckily we were in a place where I could pull into a paved lot to change it, not in a snow bank!
Some of this. Which btw, my tire wrench is to long to go full circle... Lots of half spins.....

And this

And the column shifter stopped working.... It wont start in P, starts in N, and if you shift to D, it stays in 2nd gear and wont go into OD.... Jiggle it a little till it between N and D and its good to go....
Hit Crazy traffic in Chilliwack, just randomly stopped for 5-6 miles. Apparently its normal for Canadians to jump the ditch onto the road that parallels the freeway. Watched 100 people or so do it, while I was hating my huge rear overhang.

Relays should not look like this.

Somehow a terminal broke off, shorted and melted it. This was the culprit for the generator not working in Revy. Luckily it was a standard 30A relay, and the local auto parts store had one.

Overall great trip, great friends, lots of skiing. A few little "adventures" along the way but a great time none the less! 1000 miles, ~125 gallons of gas and no work for 6 days!


Expedition Leader
Sweet trip. Why so many tire problems? Bad luck, too much weight?

Old tires.... I replaced the steer tires, since they are singles, but left the old ones on the duals. Its time for new ones now. They are the originals from 97.


Ugh I know what you mean.

I'm surprised. I'm always terrified with bottle jacks that they will slip, and the RV isn't the most stable platform. A good wind gust could pull it off the jack.


Expedition Leader
The Jack fit perfect on the edge of the bottom spring plate. Nice and flat. But yeah I was glad it was in a flat parking lot.


A good method of handling DRWs is putting the best tires on the inside to lessen the chance of losing one and pulling onto a block with one tire to get the weight off the other. Obviously this only works if it's the outer tire that's being changed. They sell metal lifting ramps for doing a similar thing on tandem axle trailers, no jack needed.

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