99' XJ: Slowly Going Down Under.


Within' the last month, I have decided to sell my previously use set-up that supported my XJ (Yakima), in order to pick up a much more sophisticated full-length roof rack built by my good friend Nikson. Nikson used this full-length roof rack originally to support his CVT Mt. Rainer on his XJ he had. At the end of the summer, Nik sold his XJ and after admiring his full-length roof rack, it had to be mine! I picked up the full-length roof rack from Nik a few weeks ago, and now that Fall Term is done with this semester, I was able to have some more times on my hands and finally got it mocked up and put on. Here are some pictures:

'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr

'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr

'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr

'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr

'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr
Now since this roof rack was originally to support the much larger Mt. Rainer RTT, there is some unused spaced in the end. My intentions with this space is to utilize it to support Jerry Can Gas Can(s), water can(s) and potential space for more gear to go up top.

99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr
There is also a readily mount available for awning, as shown in picture number 3. This is an awesome upgrade from the two Yakima bars I used this previous summer!


My biggest issue offload is that they would clog up with dirt or mud so the holes help that stuff drain out. They rust out because of that crap. I costed my springs & inner with graphite grease as well..just a spray can and sprayed them very liberally to "coat" them to help prevent and rust or anything..I also like the fact that drums last 2-3x longer than the pads. I had the zj rear disk swap on my old d35 and it was cool but I would spent the extra cash on a winch or locker or 12v fridge.
There's a lot of claims of the disks being "stronger" for shorter stopping distance and such..I will say it felt about the same...my old drums were pretty worn so and the disks felt "stronger" but now with my new c8.25 with drums that are new..I would say its a very very marginal difference if at all!


My biggest issue offload is that they would clog up with dirt or mud so the holes help that stuff drain out. They rust out because of that crap. I costed my springs & inner with graphite grease as well..just a spray can and sprayed them very liberally to "coat" them to help prevent and rust or anything..I also like the fact that drums last 2-3x longer than the pads. I had the zj rear disk swap on my old d35 and it was cool but I would spent the extra cash on a winch or locker or 12v fridge.
There's a lot of claims of the disks being "stronger" for shorter stopping distance and such..I will say it felt about the same...my old drums were pretty worn so and the disks felt "stronger" but now with my new c8.25 with drums that are new..I would say its a very very marginal difference if at all!

That's very good insight you have there. I might end up jacking up the rear end and applying some of the techniques and tactics you applied to your rear brakes. Yeah, overall I am happy that I got these taken care so I know can avoid having the locking up issues I was having before.


Haha I had the same issue;) right rear would slide on anything more than about 60% power.

That roof rack have there is a custom built unit? I really really like how low profile it is. I'm looking at getting a custom built one that's as low as possible & as light as possible...hopefully under 40lbs but still be sturdy enough for 350lbs or so if I wanted.
Your rig is seriously an inspiration!


Haha I had the same issue;) right rear would slide on anything more than about 60% power.

That roof rack have there is a custom built unit? I really really like how low profile it is. I'm looking at getting a custom built one that's as low as possible & as light as possible...hopefully under 40lbs but still be sturdy enough for 350lbs or so if I wanted.
Your rig is seriously an inspiration!

Yes, it is a custom fabricated. Yeah that was the original issue that I wanted to get toward; low profile. The Yakima roof racks sat oh so high, and there was so much drag and noise that it was getting quite annoying. This roof rack will certainly improve in those categories that I desired.

This roof rack is so light that myself alone (5'7" 150lbs) can put it on by myself. I have not weighed before, but it is certainly less than 50 lbs, which is a plus. Thanks for the comment, it's heading more and more in the direction that I desire. :sombrero:


Is it just electrical conduit? I was planning on that as the "halo" and a few braces..keep it a single layer like yours. As well as a small double layer at the back for jerry cans so they don't "slide off the back". Then some form of "filler" metal thats light weight.. I thought of expanded or maybe even some form or heavy/thick vinyl if theres enough bracing. How's yours done?
I would like to be able to sit on my roof for forth of july or what have you so I need some form of filler & not just open bracing. Or I could possibly use like 1/4" thick UHMV plastic? Me + 1 or 2 others is easily gonna push 350-400lbs. Being a hefty 228lbs myself. As far as gear I'd like to be able to carry 300lbs without worry. I really need to get some thought & idea's going as its coming up very quick.


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I'm sorry I've overlooked this thread for so long. I envy you, man. Taste, thought, restraint, care, and cost-effectiveness. I feel bad for my XJ that I am its owner. Good on you, mate.

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
I feel bad for my old XJ too. I found a picture I took of it on its first camping trip with me while it still had in-transits, so shiny and dent free and beautiful. Then I drive past the house where it lives now seven years later and I realize that I destroyed that poor jeep.


I'm sorry I've overlooked this thread for so long. I envy you, man. Taste, thought, restraint, care, and cost-effectiveness. I feel bad for my XJ that I am its owner. Good on you, mate.


Hey man! I'll take a step back and let you know that your XJ has been the driving force, in which I somewhat model mine after. Your XJ is so carefully put together with some mighty-fine products, so to hear those compliments from you is awesome. Thanks!

I feel bad for my old XJ too. I found a picture I took of it on its first camping trip with me while it still had in-transits, so shiny and dent free and beautiful. Then I drive past the house where it lives now seven years later and I realize that I destroyed that poor jeep.

Eh, I didn't take as good as care with my previous two XJs, so I vowed to really make it a point to always keep it this one clean. Live and learn man!


Obray- What kind of mpg's are you getting with your current setup. I might be looking into something similar in the near future.



Obray- What kind of mpg's are you getting with your current setup. I might be looking into something similar in the near future.



Hey, thanks for stopping by. I am achieving 16-18mpg mixed. I wish I could achieve more MPG, but I've really never heard of anyone else getting consist 19-20mpg's when these XJ begin to be modified. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask away!
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Looks good! Can't wait to see how your XJ progresses. I may be crazy but did I spot a cascadia now sticker in your rear passenger window?

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