Within' the last month, I have decided to sell my previously use set-up that supported my XJ (Yakima), in order to pick up a much more sophisticated full-length roof rack built by my good friend Nikson. Nikson used this full-length roof rack originally to support his CVT Mt. Rainer on his XJ he had. At the end of the summer, Nik sold his XJ and after admiring his full-length roof rack, it had to be mine! I picked up the full-length roof rack from Nik a few weeks ago, and now that Fall Term is done with this semester, I was able to have some more times on my hands and finally got it mocked up and put on. Here are some pictures:
'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr
'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr
'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr
'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr
'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr
Now since this roof rack was originally to support the much larger Mt. Rainer RTT, there is some unused spaced in the end. My intentions with this space is to utilize it to support Jerry Can Gas Can(s), water can(s) and potential space for more gear to go up top.
99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr
There is also a readily mount available for awning, as shown in picture number 3. This is an awesome upgrade from the two Yakima bars I used this previous summer!

'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr

'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr

'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr

'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr

'99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr
Now since this roof rack was originally to support the much larger Mt. Rainer RTT, there is some unused spaced in the end. My intentions with this space is to utilize it to support Jerry Can Gas Can(s), water can(s) and potential space for more gear to go up top.

99 Jeep XJ by Obray Optics, on Flickr
There is also a readily mount available for awning, as shown in picture number 3. This is an awesome upgrade from the two Yakima bars I used this previous summer!