Every fall season in the desert; comes to an end. When? Well, for us it depends solely on the weather. There is a moment, usually in early November, that one can still feel the warmth of the solar rays on one's back and enjoy canyon country at some very moderate temperatures. However, if one waits too long; the cold will set in and the desert season will shut down.
It has been my ritual for the past three seasons to take a Daddy-Daugther trip to canyon country the first part of November with my daughter Lilly. A time for us to frolic in the sand one last time and enjoy each other's company. I usually aim for the first weekend in November. However, this year that fell on Halloween as well. No good for Lilly. It wouldn't have been good anyway. The desert country got rain, wind, and even snow during that first weekend. So, the second weekend it was...The weather looked ideal. Lilly and I were game and so too was my friend Andy and his daughter, Emma. I began to pack and one other person asked if she could come along...Lilly's mom! Now, it was a Daddy, Daughter trip but who was I to say that she couldn't come. So off we all went...A time to enjoy and say goodbye to the desert for 2014!
The day dawned chilly but sunny! The cottonwoods still held onto signs of fall.

The girls played by the roaring waters of the Green River.

It was time to start the day. Brush one's hair of course!

We took a road less traveled. The LaSals shining in the distance with a fresh dusting of snow.

Our destination was a rock art site out in the middle of nowhere. It did not disappoint!

The evening sun was setting and the light bouncing off the slick rock was awesome!

The girls enjoyed the campfire and celebrated the last time being in the desert for 2014.

Sunrise in the desert is magical. The lighting and views are crazy awesome! Even the moon was high in the sky!

Lilly and Emma enjoying their surroundings...Pondering life's biggest questions! Like...what's for breakfast?

What does one bring to the desert to entertain a few young girls? Jiggle bubbles of course! Lilly had a nice one going...

The peace and quite of canyon country to come...
It has been my ritual for the past three seasons to take a Daddy-Daugther trip to canyon country the first part of November with my daughter Lilly. A time for us to frolic in the sand one last time and enjoy each other's company. I usually aim for the first weekend in November. However, this year that fell on Halloween as well. No good for Lilly. It wouldn't have been good anyway. The desert country got rain, wind, and even snow during that first weekend. So, the second weekend it was...The weather looked ideal. Lilly and I were game and so too was my friend Andy and his daughter, Emma. I began to pack and one other person asked if she could come along...Lilly's mom! Now, it was a Daddy, Daughter trip but who was I to say that she couldn't come. So off we all went...A time to enjoy and say goodbye to the desert for 2014!
The day dawned chilly but sunny! The cottonwoods still held onto signs of fall.

The girls played by the roaring waters of the Green River.

It was time to start the day. Brush one's hair of course!

We took a road less traveled. The LaSals shining in the distance with a fresh dusting of snow.

Our destination was a rock art site out in the middle of nowhere. It did not disappoint!

The evening sun was setting and the light bouncing off the slick rock was awesome!

The girls enjoyed the campfire and celebrated the last time being in the desert for 2014.

Sunrise in the desert is magical. The lighting and views are crazy awesome! Even the moon was high in the sky!

Lilly and Emma enjoying their surroundings...Pondering life's biggest questions! Like...what's for breakfast?

What does one bring to the desert to entertain a few young girls? Jiggle bubbles of course! Lilly had a nice one going...

The peace and quite of canyon country to come...