A Daddy, Daughter Trip...Plus 1


Expedition Leader
Every fall season in the desert; comes to an end. When? Well, for us it depends solely on the weather. There is a moment, usually in early November, that one can still feel the warmth of the solar rays on one's back and enjoy canyon country at some very moderate temperatures. However, if one waits too long; the cold will set in and the desert season will shut down.

It has been my ritual for the past three seasons to take a Daddy-Daugther trip to canyon country the first part of November with my daughter Lilly. A time for us to frolic in the sand one last time and enjoy each other's company. I usually aim for the first weekend in November. However, this year that fell on Halloween as well. No good for Lilly. It wouldn't have been good anyway. The desert country got rain, wind, and even snow during that first weekend. So, the second weekend it was...The weather looked ideal. Lilly and I were game and so too was my friend Andy and his daughter, Emma. I began to pack and one other person asked if she could come along...Lilly's mom! Now, it was a Daddy, Daughter trip but who was I to say that she couldn't come. So off we all went...A time to enjoy and say goodbye to the desert for 2014!

The day dawned chilly but sunny! The cottonwoods still held onto signs of fall.


The girls played by the roaring waters of the Green River.


It was time to start the day. Brush one's hair of course!


We took a road less traveled. The LaSals shining in the distance with a fresh dusting of snow.


Our destination was a rock art site out in the middle of nowhere. It did not disappoint!


The evening sun was setting and the light bouncing off the slick rock was awesome!


The girls enjoyed the campfire and celebrated the last time being in the desert for 2014.


Sunrise in the desert is magical. The lighting and views are crazy awesome! Even the moon was high in the sky!


Lilly and Emma enjoying their surroundings...Pondering life's biggest questions! Like...what's for breakfast?


What does one bring to the desert to entertain a few young girls? Jiggle bubbles of course! Lilly had a nice one going...


The peace and quite of canyon country to come...


Awesome trip. Can't wait for my kids to get a little older to go. Concur on those desert sunrises. Great setup with the cruiser.


Expedition Leader
Thx for the words! As u have probably heard before...it goes quick. U will be out there in no time!
Enjoy it...it's crazy fun!!!

QUOTE=dgbatcheler;1708456]Awesome trip. Can't wait for my kids to get a little older to go. Concur on those desert sunrises. Great setup with the cruiser.[/QUOTE]


Expedition Leader
After breakfast, the girls went looking for tadpoles. Yes, the desert holds its secrets. Once the potholes of the desert fill with water, the potholes come to life! The girls caught a few...


The next objective was to look for an Anasazi ruin. The Anasazi lived in the area about 800 years ago. Why did they leave? Is anyone's guess.

Lilly off to the races...


The views were crazy awesome!


The girls close to the ruin. Summit Fever!


The summit! What a view! A 360 degree view!



Our day was glorious. No wind. Bright sunny skies. It was a day to remember!


Andy had fun driving in the sand:)


Magic hour was in full effect. The only bummer...it was 4:30. Amazing how quick the day goes this time of year. Or, should I say how quick the daylight goes this time of year!


Finding more signs of the past...more to come.


Expedition Leader
The following day, our last day dawned chilly but sunny. The south winds were starting to blow. You know that means? I texted home to a friend and sure enough; he responded that it was snowing in Park City. The winds of change were upon us. However, we had one more day to bask in the sun and enjoy canyon country at its finest!

Ginger and I were awake before anyone. Enjoying the peace and quiet a desert sunrise will give you. The one good thing about this time of year is that the sun doesn't rise until 7:30 or so:)


We packed up and made our way to Moab. The long way...


Andy questioning my sanity. Trust me!


I took Emma to see some dinosaur prints. Lilly enjoyed showing her the 150 million year old signs of the past.


We hiked and explored...Trying to find a rock art panel I hadn't seen before.


Found it! The Bear Panel was awesome. I have never seen one before. Very unique!



Yep, it was time. None of us really wanted to go. But, we needed to go. Our lives back in Park City were calling. Snow was flying at 7,000 feet and the desert winds were blowing now. Seasons were about to change. The desert, as I loosely call it is a magical place. If you get the time; steer the car towards canyon country. You won't be disappointed.

Until next time...Homeward bound!

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Yet another home run

Thanks for the report(s), mph. They're always informative, well written, well photographed, and most importantly, they always restore my faith in the rewards of good parenting.

It's a good thing we had the two sons. I don't know how I'd have ever said "no" to a daughter, and I realize we've got to say "no" from time to time.



Have to ask, did Lilly's mum come along to make sure when Lilly was pondering the big questions in life, that dad delivered. My wife seems to think the kids could be possibly scared for life or even perish if they are left alone with dad for a day.

Nice trip, and thanks for the detail.

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