I read Max's Wyoming adventures thread and it inspired me to do a little exploring in some of the areas around me that I hadn't been before to see what was basically right on my doorstep. I usually spend time down along the border area of WY, UT, and lately CO. I had a trip planned a few weeks ago and for different reasons, including a land slide, changed directions. I had been through the areas on the main highways, but never off and actually exploring them. I'm glad I took the time to finally check them out.
The first few pictures are up in the area of WY near South Pass City, Atlantic City and Louis Lake. I didn't get many in the towns as there were a lot of tourists in and about them and I couldn't get to a lot of the buildings. I'll head back up when things quiet down at the end of the summer.
The first few pictures are up in the area of WY near South Pass City, Atlantic City and Louis Lake. I didn't get many in the towns as there were a lot of tourists in and about them and I couldn't get to a lot of the buildings. I'll head back up when things quiet down at the end of the summer.