A new twist on bed mounted RTT's


All in all, it's coming together as planned. Raising and lowering the tent (the first few inches from the 'down' position) takes much more effort than first thought. More than once the RTT frame assy and faux tent bottom have slammed down onto the rack. I still haven't mounted the 100lb RTT to the frame assy. If leverage won't provide enough effort to raise/lower the tent, some other method will have to be employed; spring, charged strut, etc.


Some progress







Some detail




Always hoping to be further along. Actually had the RTT on the rack earlier, two people can easily raise/lower the tent - operates smoothly. Quite sturdy in the raised position, clamored around in the tent, when I had it on the rack. Time to bolt the rack to the truck, and mount the assy and RTT to the truck.


Very cool, Rick!! It looks like it went together well. After seeing how precisely you cut and fit the pieces I couldn't imagine it NOT going together well!!

Look forward to seeing it on the truck--in use :)


Here it is on the truck for the first time... RTT platform is pictured in the 'up' position - I'll have nearly 76" of headroom under the opened RTT.


Just a couple things to do and then I'll attach the RTT.


Very cool idea!

What are you putting up there for a RTT?

I have a med size CampingLab.

Dislike making promises, but I really hope to have it all together this weekend. Though my wife cut her hand pretty good last night and I'll have to bug my neighbors to help move the tent...





Didn't get the truck out of the garage - Will have better pics Sunday
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looks fantastic and great job! just wish i had 1/10th the welding skills.

Pictures tell us that it was a great success. Congrats!!!!

Any comments on how hard it is to lift the tent (~100-130lbs) up from the stowed position and over to the rear?

I am guessing that for two people, it will be easy? but with one person, do you think it will be easy enough?

Thanks for giving all of us something to think about.


Little hurdles occur as build progresses. The four struts attach to the RTT frame/attachment points. As seen here at top of picture,

View attachment 152775

This connection needs to pivot, and needs as little slop as possible. Because the fasteners are 5/16" dia bolts (grade 8) and the inner dia of the 1" tube is approx 3/4", I had to come up with a solution to keep the bolts centered within the tube.

My solution

View attachment 152776

Some 3/4" OD tubing and 1/4" flat washers whose combined length is fractionally greater than the 1-1/2" length of the 1" tube. Resulting in secure connection that allows the strut to pivot freely around the mounting tabs.

View attachment 152777

These tabs are to be welded to two lengths of 1-1/2" x 1/8" steel angle, 4 tabs, 2 struts per length. Each length of steel angle is then bolted to the fixed base of the RTT. I finish doing away of the 'factory' aluminum RTT mounting channels and reinforce the RTT base using a 1" x .095 square tube. As shown in the first picture - specific locations TBD.

If I'm understanding this correctly, you have a Grade 8 bolt that will be supporting the weight of the tent on each of these pivots, correct?
In the pictures, it looks like the narrow washers will be transferring the weight from the pivot tube to the bolt, correct?
If this is how it is planned, I am concerned that with normal road/trail vibration and occupant weight in the tent shifting around you may find the washers will be your weak link in keeping those pivots from becoming sloppy.
I can see them wallowing out or possibly even wear grooves in the bolt itself.

If this does occur, I would recommend you get a sleeve turned out of UHMW plastic that fits the Grade 8 bolt snug inside the pivot tube.
The UHMW plastic is long wearing and self lubricating and will support the entire bolt length that is inside the pivot, so it will last as long as your rack assembly and keep everything from getting sloppy on you.

Just something to think about down the road.

Oh, and BTW... Great design and problem solved for how to mount your tent.
You may also be able to fins a way to use a worm drive out of a factory car scissor jack to get your tent from the lower to upper position.
There are many sizes and shapes to choose from, just visit your local Pick A Part, they tend to have a bin of them in the lobby.


looks fantastic and great job! just wish i had 1/10th the welding skills.

Pictures tell us that it was a great success. Congrats!!!!

Any comments on how hard it is to lift the tent (~100-130lbs) up from the stowed position and over to the rear?

I am guessing that for two people, it will be easy? but with one person, do you think it will be easy enough?

Thanks for giving all of us something to think about.

I wish I had welding skills... My vision, my metal fabrication, had to hire out the welding...

Correct, I haven't figured out how to make it a one-man operation. With two people only, it's not too bad at all. The wife and I simply stand on the sliders/rear tire and lift. Once we get 4-5" from bottom it gets much easier.

Sure, I can get into the bed and raise it with an inverted leg press :D

Response to INSAYN - Good point, hadn't thought of that. Hopefully in the transport position, there isn't any pressure/friction on those bolts. But I will keep a close eye for wear.

All my criteria has been met, save for lack of one-man operation - which I'll continue to work upon...


Well-known member
Could you use a ratching tie down and hook to the front of the tent mount and to the back hoop. Then you can ratch it up to a point that you can then pull it by hand. Maybe a come-a-long if needs to be more heavy duty.

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