A sad day.... I blame all the haterz.


He was really that nuts. He has been tossed from the FJ club that he ran with and he got tossed from about any forum he was a member of. That kind of nuts wears out after a while. LOL


Expedition Leader
A Poser in almsot every aspect. The persona he puts on is fairly amusing, up to the point it becomes incredibly annoying and makes you want to slap him. :) It seems youtube is more and more about people and their Schtick, in pursuit of making a buck.


Weird guy. He seems to mean well in some ways, but then it also seems like its all bout him. Geez! TWO videos going over his whole history!!!
I saw when he joined here and his first post was something like "The Super FJ Has Arrived!" Didn't go very well from then on.

Anyway, I was skipping through part two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqMCmbuPFB4
and came upon 10:38-12:05 and laughed so hard I almost blew a gasket!!! Honestly I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. Holy Cow!


I think he ate a lot of lead paint chips when he was a child...It sure is a sad day...He is the reason why we have "caution hot liquid" printed on coffee cups...
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I don't know much about this guy's history but I watched a little. Did anyone pick up on the fact that someone is holding the camera? Who would do that? And how do they do it without laughing or stopping the guy? I'm baffled.


Tail-End Charlie
I don't know much about this guy's history but I watched a little. Did anyone pick up on the fact that someone is holding the camera? Who would do that? And how do they do it without laughing or stopping the guy? I'm baffled.

His girlfriend. No further comment needed on that score.


Expedition Leader
his girlfriend sounds hot. reminds me of Pennsyltucky on Orange is the new Black.

if she really loved him, she would have stopped filming after the first 3 minutes. sounds like she did it so he'd turn over the glass pipe & rocks.

what? there's a Part 2!!!!

and why did he stand behind his rig throughout the video, and only one hand was seen at any time?

as much as i detest car salesmen, i feel for the person who sold him any vehicle. i guess if you debadge the truck name has to go on the license plate so you can find it in the lineup of unique vehicles?
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