The best thing you can do with a pile of manure is to a) throw it in the trash, b) leave it alone to decompose, or c) find a way for it to give life to something else. The thing that worries me about this guy is he went from wanting to "prove to his family and friends" that he could off-road, but then started making threats and ruining trails (so I heard; never witnessed), to wanting to supercharge his Tacoma so he can drag race and "prove" how fast it is. When you run over a branch or carve your own trail you hurt others by making land access inaccessible. When you drag race you put those on the road at risk. Let's hope that doesn't happen and he finds away to invest as much time talking about himself into taking care of himself. This guy lives in a small bubble that is expanded by a fake world on social media. The trouble is, there are a lot of people who enjoy watching (and listening) to people like him because they never come in contact with him and they find humor in stupidity. Love him or hate him, at the end of the day, the comments and messages we provide him, including mine, feed his drive. So I will lay attention to him to rest. Enjoy your Boosted Taco SuperFJ. Just remember that what you put in it doesn't always come out the same way.