A Tale of Two Excursions.


Well its about time I started documenting my gradual build. To set the record straight at this point I only have one excursion though for a brief time period I had two.

I bought this 2001 White V10 Excursion limited from my parents church as I was able to view the service records and I know that it had been well maintained.
I had always wanted an excursion as I have three daughters and when we travel my mother in law normally goes with us. The plan was a light "overland" build and when the V10 died I was going to replace it with a 12 valve. Needless to say I ended up not doing much work on the truck over the year that I had it other than locating a Ranchhand full replacement and swapping the front end to a 2005 style as I prefer the look of it.

I was browsing the forum classifieds one day and I came across an ad for a 2000 7.3 XLT Excursion that was located not to far away from me. It was being sold by member rubberduck as he wanted to focus on his awesome ambulance build named Mavis https://www.expeditionportal.com/forum/threads/super-slow-ambo-build.205719/.
After speaking with him I knew that it was just the truck for me, I had towed my parents travel trailer back from the coast and I was not impressed with the performance of the V10 and while I have the skill to do a 12 valve swap I really don't have the time currently.

So the family and I made a trip down to central Texas and came back with my new toy/daily driver. It is currently nameless as my daughters haven't decided on a name they have a lot of ideas some of them related to a trip we took last month but more on that later.

This truck was well maintained with a couple of small quirks, it has right around 260k on the clock, 35" STT/Maxx a 4" lift kit and Rancho RS9000XL's all the way around, the AC had a small leak but it ran great on the way home with no issues.

The week after I purchased it I was driving to the station very early in the morning and I hit a pothole, almost immediately it felt like I had a flat tire on the left front, as I was slowing down to pull of the side of the road I felt the front of the truck drop and noticed something rolling away from me in the darkness. Unfortunately that something was my left front tire and it happily rolled away into a large field with an overgrown drainage ditch. Luckily was able to pull of the road with no issues and that is when I noticed that all of the lugs for the front left tire had sheared off.
The tire was no where to be found and I was supposed to be at work in an hour.... I was able to get the work issue handled and I started looking for the tire, after an hour I was still not able to find it so I decided to come back later and look for it after I walked home an got the other excursion. I walked back to the house and was able to drive the white excursion to Oreilly's and purchase 8 new lugs, new brake pads, lug nuts, and a left front rotor. Its amazing how hard it is to find a 35" tire in the dark.

I was able to put the truck back together on the side of the road and then I merrily drove to work. I am not really sure why the lugs broke off, I think that they may have worked their way loose while I was driving it home. I am very blessed that the wheel did not come off while driving at 75 MPH on the way home with my girls in the truck.

About two weeks later when my white one still hadn't sold I decided to swap the front ends so that I could keep the newer front end and the bumper.
Around this time we decided that we would rent a trailer as a proof of concept and take a trip around Texas and New Mexico as a family vacation.

Before the Trip I replaced the well worn Coopers with Yokohama X-AT's on a brand new set of fifteen52 wheels. They are 35/75/17 I wanted the 17" wheels in case I ever get around to swapping the 2008 axles that I have stashed away from a rolled F250. I also swapped the glow plugs out, replaced the evaporator, a leaky AC hose, the compressor valve cover gaskets, under valve cover harnesses and a receiver dryer.
The trip went great, we saw Big Bend (we did a little light off roading in Big Bend), Monahan's sand dunes, Fort Davis, The Davis Observatory, Prada Marfa, Target Marathon, Carlsbad, Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
We put 2,070 miles on the truck. Sadly we needed to put about 2,150 to make it home. While coming back into town the hot side of the turbo let go and for a brief moment I was concerned the truck might burn up on the side of the road due to the flames coming from the underside of the engine compartment. (A couple of the names the girls have for the truck are based on that little experience, none of them very flattering...)

I was able to call my dad who brought his pickup and I had the excursion towed to a shop that we trust. Normally I do all my own work but I just wanted to get it back on the road. I had them install a new KC300X turbo, and pedestal, which will take care of a nagging oil leak I had in the valley. I will have the truck back tonight and the plan is to drive it with no additional mods for a bit as my bank account recovers.

Long term, I would like to get a pioneer rack, and add a swing out tire mount to the back of it. I have an ARB Elements to go in the back that I need to wire up and add a house battery for. I am pretty happy with the height of it now and I do not feel that it needs any taller tires. I will document any further changes as we go in this thread. We may not really truly "overland" but we will use this truck to pull a trailer all over the US and then once our basecamp is setup we will use it to explore. The goal is to put a bunch of miles on it over the next ten years and really enjoy the time that we have with the kiddos as they get older.
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Im glad she didn't burn down. I have a v10 that im currently enjoying. Look forward to seeing the adventures and the future modifications :)


Very very well. I’m surprised how much of a difference it made actually.

I haven’t towed with it yet but the power change is noticeable just driving around town.


Well it’s time for another update no pics this time sorry.

I was driving to work on a cold morning (well cold for Texas) and the excursion suddenly died. I was able to restart it with minimal fuss and I continued about my day planning on looking at it when I got home. Sadly I didn’t actually make it home that night and it decided to die at the entrance to my neighborhood.

Luckily I was in the turn lane so I fiddled with it a bit and swapped my spare CPS in. Unluckily I was not able to get it to restart and I had to have it towed a mile to my house. My batteries have been questionable for a bit and before I could trouble shoot it effectively I needed to replace them. As I suspected that didn’t do the trick and I had pull out my trusty laptop and autoenginuity.

When I cranked the truck it was calling for 90% on the IPR and I was only getting and ICP of 5-10. When I unplugged the ICP sensor it would jump up to 2000 put still wouldn’t fire. The HPOP was full of oil so decided to gamble on the IPR being the issue. I didn’t have a spare or a test harness but I was able to get a good deal on one from dieselorings. I replaced the pigtail and IPR when it arrived and thankfully she started right up.

I’m very thankful that this didn’t happen on my 2500 mile road trip and it’s making me contemplate carrying a spare IPR in addition to my CPS on trips.


New member
Not sure how expo feels about outside sites, but theres a certain website called .ford_trucks. that will answer any and all questions for your excursion. Updates, rebuilds, spares, etc. I built a beautiful 2000 dually with the education I got from that site, and I’m currently slogging it out with a 2006 6.0, and yes, that previous picture of the frothy oil is realistic.


Well-known member
@hbabler I had the same issue with my 7.3 recently.

A trick that I recently learned is that when the IPR kills the motor and it won't start while the IPR/motor is warm, you can put an ice cube on the IPR to cool it down and it should fire back up and let you limp home.

I plan on carrying a spare IPR for trips far from home.


Nitro rat, some days I question why I got rid of mine. But now that I’ve got it sorted I’m pretty happy with the 7.3

To update over the last couple of months,

I have been chasing a nagging front end noise that I think is related to the losing a wheel fiasco. For lack of a better term It makes an odd thunk when the front end rebounds. I thought I had it narrowed down to a shock so I replaced the worn out front ranchos with bilstiens. Unfortunately that didn’t fix it so I’m back to the drawing board. At the same time I put a new steering dampener to replace the leaking one.

I added an Alpine ILX-W650 that I have been very happy with.

The HPX crossover line from CNCfab made a noticeable difference in noise at idle. Later this week I am going to install replacement high pressure oil lines from them as well.

Just prior to the covid-19 fiasco my wife and I took a trip down to Fredericksburg. We did about half of the trail listed on the main page. For Texas it was a great little trip. The only nagging issue was the stupid front end noise and the fact that it was a very quick trip so we were not able to do the whole trail.


I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe these days. I have a shift off from the station so I have a couple of other things to do to truck that I will update later this week.


Well yesterday was a day full of work. I started relatively early in the morning with a pile of parts.

I have a nagging oil seep/leak from a CAC boot that is oil soaked. So I purchased a full set of boots along with new clamps and billet plenum reinforcements. At the same time I decided to do an oil change, HPOP lines and a new radiator fan clutch.

Needless to say this took quite a bit of time. I am very happy with how everything looks and I hope that it fixes the oil issues. If anyone decides to do the aftermarket HPOP lines I would suggest having a set of crows foot wrenches. I’m not sure I could have done it without them. I am very pleased with the plenum reinforcements as they allow you to get the boots tight without crushing the sleeves.


I was not able to get the fan clutch done as I noticed some coolant coming from the weep hole on the water pump. So I am currently researching water pumps and will probably go with the IH pump that has an integrated coolant filter. I’ll update on that later when I make a decision.
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Big upgrade in lighting coming this week.


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Okay so it took a bit longer than a week. There are a lot of little pieces that you need to get when swapping to the sealed beam set up.

I swapped to the sealed beam set up so that I could use some the numerous high quality LED replacement lights.

I settled on JW speaker Evolution 8910’s. I got a good deal off of EBay and they are awesome. They are heated and have a great beam pattern.

I paid my little brother to run to the junkyard and pull the parts I needed. It was a lot cheaper than the ford dealership or craigslist.


I also decided to change to the black textured grille as I felt it looked better than my jacked up chrome one.

When you pull the parts at the junkyard make sure you pull everything. The adjusters, the adjuster screws, the anti rattle clips (the little white plastic and the adapter for the pigtails.


The install is pretty straight forward, provided you have all the parts. Otherwise you might have to take it apart 3 times....


I aimed them as best I could, I am still looking for a shop local to me that has an optical aiming machine. So far I haven’t had much luck.


And the finished product. I’ll post some driving pictures later.


Here is a picture that I took this morning. If you are on the fence about the JW Speaker headlights you need to buy them. They are amazing. The cut off is clear, The temperature is a good compromise and they really help with night driving. It was not a cheap upgrade but it was very worth it.DA6103E2-798C-42BA-9EB2-C32D08849410.jpeg


Well here are some updates. Only one real
overlandy project, mostly just maintenance and repairs. New HPOP, multiple new fuel pumps (that’s a long story and involves a break down in NM). New seat cushions, cover and seat heaters.

Today I finally ran the wires (cables really) for my auxiliary power panel in the back of the truck. 2 AWG cables from the one of the main batteries. The positive terminates at a 100 amp CB and then goes to the back of the truck and a Blue Sea fuse block. I will either add a 40A LifeP04 in the back and or a solar panel on the roof. They are wrapped in flexible braid and anchored by Adel clamps with a couple of zip ties here and there. With this admittedly over kill set up I can finally run my ARB fridge in the back when we leave for Colorado tomorrow.


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Just bought a 2000 F350 7.3 and you have given me a lot to chew on. I have two little kids and can’t be breaking down in the field. Going to be an adventure going through this thing I imagine.

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