Funny you say Bank Seizure.....a good buddy of mine is a bank president, and called me the other day asking if I'd like to ride along with him to go put new locks and No Tresspassing signs up at a Bank Seizure. When I asked if he was bringing me for back-up, he said "No, this guy used to be a commercial fisherman, and he left piles upon piles of stuff in both the house and the yard"
Our tiki bar is decorated with random Flotsom and Jetsom that floats up or we find on the neighboring islands.
We brought a trailer with us to this guys house he had left, and literally filled a 5x8 cargo trailer. Of some of the crazy stuff we found, was boxes of ammo left in drawers, an entire medicine cabinet full of medical supplies, pain killers, antibiotics.....etc and a ton of other stuff that was still in good condition and was of good quality. I'm not a prepper, but when you find bottles of stuff that hasnt even expired yet, and most of it needs a perscription, lets just say that a lot of it went into my stock pile of goods to keep around in case the SHTF