Abandoned/derelict sites


Rattler nice lay-out, have you ever seen that one on the road from Vassar to Mayville or the boys on M19 just South of Ubly? The Judge is just a reminder of High School for Myself Thanks for the shots!

Here are a few more.




Driving by, I would see these sitting out by the road. They made me want to get in and see what else was in there.


Thornton Melon's Kid
I stopped by Schenk's on Saginaw once but I couldn't find anyone. I tried to go to Barnum's over towards Millington. He says he crushed all his old stuff but it looks like he may still have a few looking at Google Earth. There are a couple others more towards Lapeer I want to get to this summer after I can get out and about. I located several other excellent prospects in MW Michigan. I get a new kidney this Wednesday so I gotta lay low for a while.

I put a calendar together for myself with some of the junkyard photos. I ended up having a bunch more printed since people saw them and wanted them. I know what I will be doing next fall now.


I stopped by Schenk's on Saginaw once but I couldn't find anyone. I tried to go to Barnum's over towards Millington. He says he crushed all his old stuff but it looks like he may still have a few looking at Google Earth. There are a couple others more towards Lapeer I want to get to this summer after I can get out and about. I located several other excellent prospects in MW Michigan. I get a new kidney this Wednesday so I gotta lay low for a while.

I put a calendar together for myself with some of the junkyard photos. I ended up having a bunch more printed since people saw them and wanted them. I know what I will be doing next fall now.

You're in our prayers if you need anything just ask!


Thornton Melon's Kid
You're in our prayers if you need anything just ask!

I went in Weds. AM and was out Sat. evening. I stayed by Henry Ford at their guest housing since its 100+ miles from there. I had a clinical check this AM and everything is going excellent! Very little pain. Drainage and surgical gas is all that is really bugging me and it nil compared to what I had before. The first 3 months are critical.

I cannot say enough about how great everyone at HFH is! My post transplant coordinating nurse is a rockstar. She is taking care of some insurance and pharma issues for me. Plus my surgeon is a wonderful guy and an absolute character. Our conversation as I am about to go under:

Dr. Denny: "So you still want to throw in that sex change operation while we are at it?"
Me: "NO! Goodnight!

I am up and walking but not too much. Just have to take it slow.

BTW, where are your photos from?


BTW, where are your photos from?

Glad to hear your doing good. The photos with the post office street sign are from a bit of a ghost town over in the southwest corner of the state around Filmore I don't keep cords sorry. The dinner above it is from the state of Mississippi around the Tombigbee National forest both are from following the old railroads.

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