Abandoned/derelict sites


Well-known member
Read the lead,,, I have friends who are ghost town, industrial site freaks. They rummage thru everything forestry or mining related in the Kootenays looking for historic machinery.

The have 16 anvils which would sell for $1K each easy. I call them organized hoarders but I cannot wait for the estate sale.


Read the lead,,, I have friends who are ghost town, industrial site freaks. They rummage thru everything forestry or mining related in the Kootenays looking for historic machinery.

The have 16 anvils which would sell for $1K each easy. I call them organized hoarders but I cannot wait for the estate sale.
That's sad they take things from ghost towns instead of helping to preserve them for others to be able to see and enjoy.


Officious Intermeddler
Old abandoned jungle movie/Tarzan set in Florida, shot from my kayak…(true story…you’ll see quite a few monkeys* in the trees here, escapees from prior film efforts? Quite a mind blowing experience to paddle along these alligators infested waters and see primates other than man! It feels like being in a true other continent jungle)


(* here’s one of the larger ones
staring out at my passing kayak)
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I come in Peace
I think this belongs in this thread since it is abandoned :unsure:

Steam Donkey Tractor in the Fouts Springs area in the Mendocino Forest. We've been riding past it for years, and never saw it. It's even marked on the map of a popular dual sport ride that happens annually, but it has always been covered in underbrush. Since the fires a few years ago it is on proud display.

This thing must have been intense when it was operational.

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I come in Peace
Not a Donkey, its a Tractor.

Funny that you mention it because when I searched "steam donkey" they look nothing like this. Everyone I've talked to about it calls it the Steam Donkey, but doing a quick image search on Steam Tractor and it's clear that it's an old tractor for sure. Thanks for pointing that out. Now I want to go back and look for some sort of Make and Model on it.



Well-known member
In BC, a steam donkey is generally known as a stationary steam powered winch which would have in the logging early days, functioned as what is known today as a yarder. It has a generally vertical, silo appearance and comprises of a vertical firebox on which sits the water box and coils, valves, a lower (usually comes out near the base) horizontal external piston which turns an eccentric which through reduction gearing, turns usually, a really big winch. There are tons of them kicking around as derelict in a lot of BC forests, especially in those where the "big" wood was found such as in the temperate coastal and interior rainforest areas.

On the prairies, we always referred to the old monster steel wheeled steam tractors as "Steam Jennies". At demos, I have seen those old guys pulling six plow blades attached to a separate wagon, complete with a dedicated crew of men to run the plows, breaking virgin prairie sod at a good clip, with nary a wheeze.

I just checked with dr. google and it appears the name "steam donkey" frequently is used as a nick name for both a stationary steam winch and antique steam tractors, so it might just be a regional thing.

I am sure someone will pitch in with a picture of the winch version, be danged if I can find one in my stuff, even though we are tripping over them all the time.

On the other hand and barely related to the thread topic, what about a Mastodon made from derelict and abandoned farm equipment?.... (although the cultivator teeth will be a tip off that it is not that old)
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I come in Peace
A few from Baja last week. They have a lot of abandoned derelict things down there.

Business opportunity with a beach view in San Juanico (Scorpion Bay)

This one had a lot of layers - not sure where it was.

Mulege - this thing was neat and totally empty inside.

Also in Mulege

Random ruin in the middle of nowhere.

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