I should probably backtrack a bit- to before the build got started. I had to install my garage! Needed to get my tools out of storage and my dirtbikes out of the weather. We just purchased a house, and theres no garage, so- with so many things happening at the same time, I went with the most cost effective method -an 8'x15’ shipping container. 8x15 gets me into the “shed” vs “garage” zoning regulations of los angeles county- which means I can put it anywhere I want.
After delivery- myself and some strong friends managed to get it 30 ft. back into the yard using a cheapo come-a-long from home depot and some 4” cast iron pipes as rollers. Her final resting spot would be on a 2” gravel pad.
villageidiot flexxing his welding skills. he made this ************ 4 ft. spike as a ground anchor for the come-a-long. it worked amazingly well. took a full days abuse of sledgehammer blows and high lateral loads from the come-a-long and 3000lb container.
Using a hi-Lift jack to lift a side of the container at a time, we were able to set it down onto pipes and get her to slide into the yard using a come-a-long. After we got the container in the zone, I Locked the van into 4x4 Low and tapped her home with the rear bumper.
villageidiot, myself, and longroadtonowhere basking in the glory of a hard days work and big task accomplished.