Alaska, finally.

the deputy

Well-known member
Day 14 - stayed in Tok two days. Drove to "The Top of the World" the second day. Liked Tok, had an authentic feel to it, small airstrip where you could watch bush pilots come and go, nice little grocery store, nice restaurant and outdoor supplies store also.


Top of the World ride.





Truth be told, 'Top of the World' drive was just 'okay'. Wasn't anything l'd ever do again. Plus, it was a narrow and winding road, which was fine if everyone wanted to drive the same speed. But, there was a lot of what l would assume 'locals' driving truck campers with trailers full of 4 wheelers, l believe some sort of big game hunting season was going on...and they were all in a mad rush to get wherever they were going. Nice to be back on the states...where everyone is in a big hurry.😬

Back at camp.

All ready for night-night.


Had a weird experience the next morning, woke to what sounded like someone throwing rocks at the defender. It went on for a few seconds, thought maybe it was someone that owned a defender at one time and they were taking out their pent up frustrations on mine? Finally stuck my head out the door and it ended up being a squirrel...throwing pinecones from the tree in front of rover. Swear he was doing it he was mad because l was "in his spot". After mentioning to "Sheldon" that l had bear spray and was willing to use it...he backed


Made breakfast, coffee and PBJ sandwich...and we pointed Victoria's nose towards the completion of the Alcan Hwy and Fairbanks.
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the deputy

Well-known member
Day 15 - border crossing into US went smoothly, less questions than when entering Canada.

First order of the day after arriving in Fairbanks was...laundry.


This is another area of life that my expertise is truly lacking. Granted, my wife has tried to educate me in these matters. My first attempt at laundry at 0 - Mile Marker campground didn't go horribly, but it was in the privacy of a small facility. This was public. Anyhow, after sitting for a bit, debating whether to just burn the clothes and buy new and studying the situation, half cigar later and watching other males of my same species enter the place, gathered all the courage l could muster and entered.

Well, fortunately for me. A nice young lady behind the counter asked me if l needed help, was that obvious, and guided me through the process of using their machines. She was very helpful and l tipped her generously.

Parked in the Fred Meyer store parking lot for the night.

Tomorrow...the Dalton!

the deputy

Well-known member
Lunch a the Yukon River.



Went on from there to Arctic Circle, no pictures. Was visiting with another couple and then left without thinking about it. Oh, well.

Victoria needs a bath. Although, her rear window had a niffty mud design.


Back at Fairbanks, goggling car washes in the area...and look up...and there's a Defender 110 sitting beside me. And actually, it poured on the last leg back to Fairbanks, which is paved...and a lot of mud got washed was solid mud, piled three inches thick, on the rock sliders beforehand.


Anyway. The other rover encompassing a young couple from Virginia was pretty sweet. They were doing the Dalton the next day, but all the way to Prudhoe Bay. As l pulled away, felt sorry for them, all of that gear up top was going to be a muddy mess. Anyhow, nice couple and they were excited about the adventure.

Didn't think of it at the time...but wish l would have asked them if they'd mind me tagging along. Would have been cool, two Defenders making their way north together. But, this is what you get...when you're a slow thinker.

Parked at Walmart for the night, well kind of. Me and about fifteen other campers got woke up by the security guard at 11pm and were told to move on. They don't allow free camping anymore. Folks were taking advantage of the free electric and setting up permanent encampments. He told us the Home Depot doesn't mind campers, we all moved there. I'd read something about this before leaving home, but forgot. Anyway, all's well, that ends well!
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Active member
Truth be told, 'Top of the World' drive was just 'okay'. Wasn't anything l'd ever do again. Plus, it was a narrow and winding road, which was fine if everyone wanted to drive the same speed. But, there was a lot of what l would assume 'locals' driving truck campers with trailers full of 4 wheelers, l believe some sort of big game hunting season was going on...and they were all in a mad rush to get wherever they were going. Nice to be back on the states...where everyone is in a big f'n hurry.😬
That's 40-Mile caribou country and an important harvest for folks in the area. The first permit hunt opens August 1 and the herd has a quota that sees it close it early many years. It is---a race to get meat. And if there is no closure, the matrix of permits and general hunts means it's open to someone until the end of March. Moose, then, opens the last week of August in that area. You must have hit it at just the right time.

That's funny about the squirrel. Yes, I do think they do that intentionally. There is no closed season or bag limit on those anywhere in state.

the deputy

Well-known member
That's 40-Mile caribou country and an important harvest for folks in the area. The first permit hunt opens August 1 and the herd has a quota that sees it close it early many years. It is---a race to get meat. And if there is no closure, the matrix of permits and general hunts means it's open to someone until the end of March. Moose, then, opens the last week of August in that area. You must have hit it at just the right time.

That's funny about the squirrel. Yes, I do think they do that intentionally. There is no closed season or bag limit on those anywhere in state.
Yeah, figured it was something like that.

Funny, it finally gets to the point where l can't stand it any longer...and find a place to turn around, which wasn't easy, it was like a fifteen point turn in the "give me forty acres and l'll turn this thing around" defender, probably a few miles from border. Anyhow, I'm heading back, down the steep grade just before Chicken and see a caravan of 6 motorhomes pulling out of the little town...with a pilot van leading the way. They must have all been newbies, and renting their rigs, because they drove 25/30 mph...and stayed packed up...where no one could get past them. Followed them for a bit, but eventually just pulled off and made lunch, drank a pot of coffee, smoked a cigar, sent some texts, etc...and still caught them before hitting the Alcan. Ended up being behind them all the way to Tok.

Granted, it did feel good...not being the slowest thing on the road.

the deputy

Well-known member
Day 17 - slept like a rock, departed Home Depot, heading towards the big mountain. The drive to Denila is rather pleasant.

Saw this guy in route.






Denila Park.


While informing me about my camp site, the young man behind the counter...says, "Your site is in the first loop right behind this building." I replied, "Oh, was hoping for a site towards the top of Denila." Long pause, looked at the other counter person, as if for help, then back at me...and politely said, "Sir, we don't have sites 'on' Denila." "That's a shame, bet there'd be quite the view from up there." ;)

My site was nice...and a early dinner hit the spot.


I'll get an early start tomorrow, in search of the mountain.
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the deputy

Well-known member
Day 18 - the hunt for Denila continues. Leave campsite early, head up park road.


Get to the end of the line, guard shack just the other side of the bridge. As l'm crossing the bridge...notice a sign, about 10" X 12" that says..."No personal vehicles past this point." Get to guard shack and park ranger says l have to turn around and park in the lot on the other side of the bridge. There's like ten cars behind me. Said, "Has anyone ever thought about moving that sign before the visitor parking lot and maybe making it bigger?" She says...""

Get turned around and park, decide to make a pot of coffee, breakout the coleman and kind of people watch for a while. Cars continue to be re-routed back across the bridge, folks exit their vehicles dress like they are going to summit Denila, Northface rain gear, fancy water bottles, bear spray, back packs loaded to the gills with gear, etc. I'm, that bad boy must be close by! Quite a few groups take off on the trailhead, while l refill a gas station cup with coffee. Throw my heavy flannel coat on, making sure to grab my coffee, and make my way to the trailhead...and a view of Denila, l think.








Well, the hike was easy enough. Even for a guy that has about ten percent feeling in his feet. I'm walking along this little creek and notice folks that left the lot earlier are on the other side heading back already. Hmmm, Denila must be close.


Well, come to a little bridge that crosses the creek...? Follow a younger couple up a little goat path instead, thinking this must be where you go to see it. Wrong. Head back down and head back like the others.

Get back to lot and there's two park rangers. Ask them where do they keep this big mountain everyones been talking about? She says, "Oh, it's not visible from right's seventy miles south of here." I'm like??? "Wouldn't it make more since to put the park a little closer?"

Enjoyed the hike, though. Just wish l'd done this four years ago, before RA. It's a beautiful walk.

Back to camp.


The mountain out foxed us today...but tomorrow is another day.
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the deputy

Well-known member
These two were part of my coffee clutch at bridge/hiking parking lot.

This bird looks like the Black Billed Magpies l'd been seeing all along my trip through Canada. But had more color on its tail feathers. (This is the sign just before bridge)


Don't know what this was, but kept my bear spray handy...joking.


Few more hiking trail pictures.






Back to camp for dinner.



Tomorrow, we find Denila.
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