Are you done yet?
I've been following this build for a long time, but I think this is my first post. How do you like the sheet metal cutter? I'm impressed with the results.
Are you?Are these trucks ever done?
those look excellent
My wife is a mechanical engineer, and (with remarkable frequency) she's offered pretty cool stuff for free (e.g. I have a laser welder that I got for free). I've told her that she needs to be sure and get me (at least) a 5 axis mill in her scrounging...
Very cool! I'd love that kind of access!
nice, I just started on rust holes on my '40.... thanks again for your 3 link calculator, it was the perfect starting point. I'd post all that up on pirate, but, well, I've come to the conclusion nothing ever gets discussed there
how did you come up with the weight of your scout for your springs? eduguess?