Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Nice article in the most recent Overland Journal (gear Guide 2014)! Congrats on that.
Quick question, they mentioned in the article the lack of low range in the US Fuso but that ATW was going to solve it soon. Interested to hear more about that. Also, can the camper body be added to a truck provided by a customer (eg used FG140 manual)?
Hi Deane.
How are you? Yeah. Wow. Didn't know about the article. The OJ crew sometimes send us a copy. Really great mag....anyway not sure what was said.
ATW was planning to develop a dual range option for the Australian FGB71 "High Gear." The minute we pulled a 71 transfercase down it was obviously not simple or viable. Soon after this FUSO Australia announced the coming of the FGB "Dual Range" which finally arrived just before last Xmas. Buying a new 71 dual range transfercase and retrofitting it would be financially out of the question I think and the 71 gearbox output is very different to the previous models so that rules out a second hand transfer. It would be nice if FUSO Australia could offer a conversion as they still have large stock of the high gear models. There are some really good deals going on these superseded models. Remember in Australia, we do not have the auto transmission as in America so our manual high gear only is somewhat limited in offroad situations.
Re: providing a secondhand FG140 as a base.....you'd have to ask the guys over there. There is no problem making the correct subframe to suit that chassis but not sure what they would say about it.
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