Ok... convince me why this is better than say James Baroud that is roomier, has more windows and lighter? Both are in a similar price point and I get that one can out stuff on the roof of the tent but aside from that what makes it more "superior" ?
I'm not here to convince you of anything my friend...there are pros and cons to everything, you just need to pick what is right for you. If you are asking me what I like and appreciate about Alu-Cab tents after owning fiberglass hardshell tents for nearly 15 years, here is what I like:
Better durability and resistance to trees etc in off-camber situations
Ability to mount things to both the sides and roof via built-in T-track
Shadow Awning mounts directly to tent
None of the maintenance issues associated w/ fiberglass (you do need to maintain fiberglass or it will degrade)
Longer warranty
I think they look cooler