Installed the Riff Raff HPX today.
It was a breeze, and while it didn't make a HUUUUGE difference, it is definitely noticeable. It is smoother in sound and
low end take off. I drove it about 8 miles in stop n' go, then about 30 on the interstate. It only had a bit of a hiccup once
right after I started driving it, and it seemed to get better the more I drove it. :smiley_drive:
A few more trips to the grocery store, and I reckon the air will be out of it. For the performance improvement and adding a
smidgeon of longevity to the injectors, I feel it is worth it for only $58 delivered.
It's a very simple and straightforward process and there are plenty of youtubers
showing how to do it. Less than an hour.
Of course, if you are anything like me, be sure and have your telescopic magnet handy,
because you will probably drop something into the valley at least once. Or twice in my case.
And is it me, or is it just like Christmas when that missing 8mm or 10mm socket appears on
the end of the magnet while you are fishing around? :wings:
As far as any other tips, I would just say that when opening up fuel, air, oil, and coolant systems,
to ALWAYS thoroughly clean the working areas BEFORE you start your work. In this case, there
was some crud that could/would have easily fallen into the port, had I not wiped it, brushed it, and
sprayed it with brake cleaner. I buy that stuff by the case these days! One little piece of crud could
have jammed an injector, and I would rather have my finger nails yanked off, than to do an injector
job from a stupid/lazy mistake. *End Rant*