

Expedition Leader
Once you get everything heavy in it, you may have to play with your rear springs to get it level.

While I was still working for the FD, I built up a Ford van way back in the 70's, to use as a rescue vehicle. Once I got the Jaws of Life, all of the chains and accessories, and it's hydraulic pump, along with all of the other equipment mounted, the van had a serious lean to the left. We sent it to a shop and they had to add two additional leafs to the left side to make it sit level again. But when it was empty, it leaned so far to the right you couldn't hardly even drive it safely.


A better spacer for those batteries might be some of the compartment tiles - they are perforated and will probably let air flow better than weightlifting mat.


I only have a couple of inches of the foam at the very bottom, and there is at least 1/8th gap between the tops.

As far as the leaning, yes, I will get closer to the final weight before I do any changes, (leafs, air bags, or Sumo's)
but I am getting close. I just can't decide if I want to add the 3rd starting battery back on, via a frame rail box.
I think I do for the obvious weight distribution issues, but 2 is more than adequate for starting and standard running of the front cab.
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After seeing that thread from naterry last month, I jumped right on this.
( )

I can't remember who it is that often talks about rivnuts, but man o' man, I love these things!

I used 2 of the existing holes and 2 rivnuts to mount the bracket and relocate the PS fill box.
I then pounded the bracket to nearly flat, flipped it over, and there you have it.
Still room to spin the filter off and found no leaks on start up.




Thx. I will go for more of a finished look on things further down the road. But this was
so stinking easy.

Drill 2 holes and put in the rivnuts, elongate one hole in each of the brackets (rat tail file),
straighten the bracket, and viola. "Like a Glove!"


Rebuilt the fuel bowl today and put on the billet regulator housing. To go along with the other
engine mods I have done, I also opted to use the black 67-70psi spring. Once installed, I actually showed 72psi
on my gauge at idle.
So, I let it run and I watch it for 10 minutes or so with no leaks, put the air filter and engine cover back on and
let it run to warm up while I go inside to wash up, and grab a beer,,,, I mean a glass of tea. When I come
back out to go for a drive, it is DUMPING diesel all over my driveway. FRIG A FRIGGERRRR!!!!!!

The increased pressure blew out a weak/worn spot on the fuel line that feeds the rear of the passenger side head.
It had been rubbing on the air plenum. SO glad I increased the pressure and had this happen to me on my own
turf, rather that on the freeway somewhere. It was just a matter of time!
As far as the mess in my driveway goes, I will obviously be doing some pressure washing in the next couple
of days....... At least my driveway slightly slants towards my (political foe) neighbors house. That's what they
get for supporting the wrong person! lol

I will probably just cut the leaking pipe and "hose it" (with diesel rated hose) with 2 clamps on each end. NO WAY
am I pulling all the crap off the top of my motor to change the steel line. NOPE NOPE NOPE.

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Rebuilt the fuel bowl today and put on the billet regulator housing. To go along with the other
engine mods I have done, I also opted to use the black 67-70psi spring. Once installed, I actually showed 72psi
on my gauge at idle.
So, I let it run and I watch it for 10 minutes or so with no leaks, put the air filter and engine cover back on and
let it run to warm up while I go inside to wash up, grab a beer,,,, I mean a glass of tea. When I come
back out to go for a drive, it is DUMPING diesel all over my driveway. FRIG A FRIGGERRRR!!!!!!

The increased pressure blew out a spot on the fuel line that feed the rear of the passenger side head that
had been rubbing on the air plenum. SO glad I increased the pressure and had this happen to me on my own
turn, rather that on the freeway somewhere. As far as the mess in my driveway goes, I will obviously be doing
some pressure washing in the next couple of days....... At least my driveway slightly slants towards my (political foe)
neighbors house. That's what they get for supporting the wrong person! lol

I will probably just cut the leaking pipe and "hose it" with 2 clamps on each end. NO WAY am I pulling all the crap
off the top of my motor to change the steel line. NOPE NOPE NOPE.

View attachment 371999
I need to rebuild my fuel bowl. How long did it take you?

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


1/2 day. Mainly because I didn't like the way the regulator retaining bolt threads looked, so I went
and found a M5 .80 helicoil set at NAPA and repaired them. They had a 20% off sale today!
I took my time and cleaned everything really good. It was a beautiful day here (FINALLY),
so I was in no hurry.

It is cramped getting the lines off and on, other than that, nothing to it.


Yeah I figured a couple hours to get it done. I just got done doing my AC and don't exactly feel like tearing it apart again. I will probably tackle it on a week or two. I'm just enjoying having it back on the road.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


I know we don't talk politics on this site, but I have to say, that The AmboLander (my new nickname for it...)
made quite an appearance at a certain candidates rally tonight here in Tampa.
It got TONS of hoots and hollers!



Expedition Leader
While you're dealing with the fuel bowl... look for a schrader valve on the side of it, and replace if at all uncertain. Of you think the leak you had was bad... try having a 1/8" hole at the fuel regulator when you're driving down the freeway. Trust me, when the police follow the trail they're not so happy when they talk to you.



I think the schraeder valve might not be on my year model? I didn't see one.

I did the line repair with some hose from NAPA, and a new line o-ring that I picked up
from International/Navistar (only a 10 minute drive) for a fraction of the price that
Ford wanted for it.

I drove it for quite a while today, and it all seems fine now with 72psi at idle and
around 67 when ON the pedal.

As I am now done with performance mods, I am trying to find a quality diesel pro
to write me some custom tunes around here. I want them to have a dyno, so that
it is done correctly.


So, I passed this 1990 carcass out in front of a wrecking yard about 30 minutes away, and decided to
pop in and scavenge this stuff.

Not sure that I will use all of it, but we'll see........

The very negotiable lady in the office said some homeless people were shacking up in it not too long ago.



That's all stuff that's common to most every ambulance out there. Take a look at Select Tech's web site to compare prices to see how well you came out.

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