Decided to step back and think about things before I just started putting in the batteries and mounting components.
I didn't want to find out later that my sink and stove needed more clearance and whatnot.
So, I did some cutting and drilling today and got the sink in. (not plumbed), and the stove will be here in a couple of days.
Turns out that there is about a 4'' gap between the bottom of interior counter and top of exterior box. That made my day.
So far, I have only had to cut out a 3'' hole for the drain access, and I should be able to have the supply lines hidden in the gap.
I am pretty confident the stove line (propane) will work out that way, as well. I will stroll through Lowes tomorrow and try to decide
what I want to use the cover the countertop, backsplash, and the panel where the switches and O2 guage is.
(That board will still be used, but will be out of sight, and with only some of the switches being used, with some pigtails.
Same as I will do with the cockpit switches.) And I will definitely be relocating the 110v outlets.......

I had some metal supports that I took off the solar panels that I scored a couple of weeks ago, so I used it to build a bottom bracket
for that box, before I put in all of those batteries. It worked out well. A 90 degree drill makes all the difference when drilling through the
frame. No injuries (bashed/broken fingers or wrist) to report, thankfully. Wish is amazing, because I have always been very injury prone! lol

Earlier in the week, I got the panels topside and the cables run down to what I will now dub as "The Juice Box".

I figure while waiting on the stove, I will go ahead and rebuild my fuel bowl and up my fuel pressure with a
billet regulator and spring kit. Hoping for 65psi-ish.
I also got embarrassed in front of some of my friends at a charity skeet shoot yesterday when it wouldn't start.
My starter relay is not receiving power and it will not turn over. The relay, starter solenoid, and starter are working fine,
just no power to energize the relay. I went old school and did the screwdriver trick to get it home.
I have been all through it yesterday afternoon and for a couple more hours today. I think it might be the switch.
So, I am opting for a cool Red "Engine Start" push button. Already ordered it. It's on the way. A done deal.
And yes, I checked out all of my fuses, looked for burnt wires, and my checked my shifter know avail.
Anyways, even thought I am bouncing around a bit, I still feel like I am gaining on it.