Funny what a night without kids and wife can do... I jumped into the electrical project right after work and got way further than I thought.
Got a few nice surprises along the way! Never thought of taking a closer look at the wires... I took for granted that I was lucky the ambo came with a detailed schematic of all the electrical stuff. Then looking closer I realized that every single wire was accurately labeled for its specific function. That makes my life way easier!
Then I got going at it. My friend Jay came by as well and was even more eager than I was to clean up the mess! Thanks bro, that was a very productive night!
My goal was to clean as much of the electrical as possible ie. remove all that wasn't needed anymore, relocate all the switches from the dog house and the original electrical panel to the corner behind the driver's seat. Now the second door can be used for something else down the road... We succeeded!
Half way there:
Waiting to be relocated:
And voila! A new door
What's left right now is dealing with some of the aftermarket wiring getting mixed up with the OEM one. I'll post pictures showing parts of harness that I'm unsure if I can remove or not.
Finally, I don't know for sure but seems like another good surprise! Anyone can confirm if this tag means my tranny got some health boost done along the way?
That's it for tonight, now I can start planning the interior.
Oh, Before I forget... Where is the OBD2 plug on these vans? I have a Scangauge2 looking for its mate
Mr. D