i just stumbled on this thread and didnt read the whole thing. but to the OP's original Q. i dont see much need for a full size 36" handle felling axe. you will see posts like the recent gransfors bruks. these axes and axes like them are small two handed axes for general camp work, limbing ect. they are pretty light and easy to keep in a rig. i think many folks with full size axes mounted on a roof rack or elsewhere next to a shovel and hi-lift dont get used very often and (purposely or not) are mostly for show.
Oh yeah.... shame on you for not reading the whole thread and then pronouncing axe-mounters as show boaters. :ylsmoke:
I really wanted to mount a cheap axe on my offroad trailer but I did this instead
The Overland 2-Poseur Saw!! :elkgrin: