An Axe - Seriously?


i just stumbled on this thread and didnt read the whole thing. but to the OP's original Q. i dont see much need for a full size 36" handle felling axe. you will see posts like the recent gransfors bruks. these axes and axes like them are small two handed axes for general camp work, limbing ect. they are pretty light and easy to keep in a rig. i think many folks with full size axes mounted on a roof rack or elsewhere next to a shovel and hi-lift dont get used very often and (purposely or not) are mostly for show.

Oh yeah.... shame on you for not reading the whole thread and then pronouncing axe-mounters as show boaters. :ylsmoke:

I really wanted to mount a cheap axe on my offroad trailer but I did this instead

The Overland 2-Poseur Saw!! :elkgrin:


Expedition Leader
thats a pretty awesome saw, :bowdown: did you do that just for me?

james i ran across a tree not quite that size, maybe 16" that was downed across a rd like that, took me about half an hour to drink a fat tire and chop through it and with the 20" axe i have. i filled my kindling box with all the chopped bits.


That's impressive. I would have been quicker than I was with the recip saw, but I went through one battery and had to wait for another to recharge.


Expedition Leader
just read through the thread, you sir have some great one liners in there, a man after my own sense of humor you are.


An Axe - Yes, seriously.

After reading this stupid but funny thread. I have to give my 2cents. I vote AXE. And mine is not bolted on a rack.


I've carried the same axe for 35 years. It's an OLD Collins "boy's axe". A smaller version of the standard Collins. Nothing fancy,...oldschool. I just put a new handle on it. I can't remember how many there have been. It always saddens me to say goodbye to the old one that has served me so long. This one is linseed oil soaked hickory, just like all the others. I carry a bow saw too, but the saw is a tool I use grudgingly. NO, in all that time and all my travels I have never really NEEDED an axe. I've never really needed a camp fire, a good dog, or a cold beer either. I can say that the time I spend with the axe is never work to me. The easy rythme, the sound of steel biting wood, the satisfaction of a perfect edge and a perfectly placed swing. Those are the reasons I carry an axe. Mine is secured inside the canopy where it is protected from weather and theft. Some things can't be explained or justified. You either understand it or you don't. When I run my hand down the smooth hickory, polished by a thousand strokes and keeper of a thousand memories, I could give a damn what anyone on earth thinks. It's time for a quiet walk in the woods and a little wood gathering.

I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
I could have chewed my way through any fallen trees with less effort than has been put into this thread...:shakin:


I don't carry an axe. I do carry a Steil chainsaw when I'm wheeling in the woods and it gets used both for trial clearing and firewood. Mostly, I travel in the desert and in this case the chainsaw stays home. I always carry a bow saw which I have found to be very handy.



Gransfors Bruks...
Nicest cutting instrument I have bought in a long time...

I couldn't agree more. happy0034.gif

Mine are the smaller versions, the Mini Hatchet and the Wildlife Hatchet, more for woodstove, fire and storm kettle fuel harvesting than self rescue (along with a Bacho Laplander Saw).

Both came shaving sharp and are gorgeous.

Mini Hatchet with GB Neck Knife.


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