An Axe - Seriously?


New member
Hatchet was useless and a health risk to my feet until I combined it with a mini sledge hammer, then the magic happened.

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Technical Responce Medic
An axe is also very useful for doing an unplanned emergency extrication from a vehicle in the case of a vehicle RTC.


I have a 21" Sven bow saw and a Fiskars X27 and between the two think most of my cutting and splitting needs are met.


Crew Chief
couldn't I just cut all the other branches off that tree?

And waste a perfectly good tree?

Actually, I carry both a saw and an ax. A saw is good for cutting small branches and trees, but if you have to split something, then you'll need an ax. I should also point out that not all saws are created equal. Some cut slower than others. In the right hands though, an ax can clear branches from a fallen tree much faster than most saws, including chain saws. Then you have the added utility of having a big hammer handy.

I should also point out that there are different types of axes for different uses. A splitting ax doesn't work as well at felling trees, for instance, as a felling ax, and vice versa. Most axes you'll seen carried tend to be of the splitting variety, which is where they come in handy. For the rest of the time, a hand saw will do whats its designed to do and cut while the ax splits.

And as mentioned above, an ax makes a very handy extraction tool in case of an accident. Lets see your bow saw do that.


The Credible Hulk
Reminds me of what Best Buy used to do back in the early 1980s, they would have a sale where they would give away a free bike with every purchase. Of course, everything was marked up $100 before the sale, so you could buy a crappy $20 boombox for $120 and get a free bike. It was actually a good bike for $100, so they moved a ton of bikes in a week.


Anything to sell them axes

I am entertained and would buy one if I had the need and bunch of extra cash. I saw a picture for a barber shop and they advertised gluten free haircuts. I would have stopped for a haircut had I seen it in person.


Expedition Leader
I am entertained and would buy one if I had the need and bunch of extra cash. I saw a picture for a barber shop and they advertised gluten free haircuts. I would have stopped for a haircut had I seen it in person.

You misread the barber shop ad...It said "Glutton Free"

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