And it begins. Stump XJ's trailer build.


SE Expedition Society
Rises up to a normal height of 6'3", but has one more notch to take it up to 6'6" for when Bill is around.
It's the little things that mean alot... :sombrero:

Looks bigger now that it's standing on its own feet. Did you get to pull it far? Does it track nicely? It'll feel different with a load.

Wanna paint it camo this weekend? :coffeedrink:


SE Expedition Society

A place for everything and everything in it's place!!

Paint scheme to match the TV?

You did some job in a short period of time....nice workmanship and congratz!:smiley_drive:

Thanks! Im not sure what you mean by 'paint to match the TV', but I will assume you mean TB as in Teal B!itch? In that case, yes and no. I am painting the majority of the tubing and stuff black, the inside will be rinolined, and the majority of the sheet metal will be desert tan as that is how I am painting my XJ in the Summer. So, yes it will eventually match the XJ, but there will be no teal paint on this one. That color should be outlawed in all 50 states.

Here is a crappy photoshop job I did a while back.


It's the little things that mean alot... :sombrero:

Looks bigger now that it's standing on its own feet. Did you get to pull it far? Does it track nicely? It'll feel different with a load.

Wanna paint it camo this weekend? :coffeedrink:

I didnt pull it far at all, I still have to put the shocks on it, and do a quickie wiring of some lights. Then I will take it for a spin on I-285. :D

No camo for me. But, I did think about painting a big ExPo on the side of it with a rattle can so the guys would know where to

Also, thanks for the email! I am working on a reply for it. Should have something for you on Wednesday as I have employed a professional to help revamp the old one.


SE Expedition Society
Just a little picture show of my first shakedown run with the trailer this past weekend.

everything worked very well, and I am very happy with how it pulls. no swaying, bouncing or anything crazy. Handles the big bumps better than my Jeep!

I have a few things to change, but its all minor stuff like tie down placement, and a few things with the tounge, and rear jack/stabilizer system. Overall, I was VERY happy to have this thing. SOOOO nice not to have to break down camp to go trail riding and exploring, and even nicer to be able to throw EVERYTHING into the back of the trailer when it was time to go home. Plenty of room and then some!









Chips95's conqueror


Hilldwellers conqueror:



That is great looking, you have done a very nice job. I especially like the awning, this is just what I have planned for my Jeepster Trailer, its nice to see someone do this so I can really see it in practice. You are inspiring me. Thanks for the pics.


Late find on this thread!....Great looking conversion BTW. I've got a M416 frame, but the body is pretty well spent so I'm debating on having a new tub bent or just doing a custom frame up like you did. I'm curious to know if you have a material list you can send me (via PM) so I can do a cost comparison.

When I first started reading this I thought for sure by the end I would see that you re-used the old enclosed box's roof as a lid so I have to ask, did you consider reinforcing it and trying it?:D


SE Expedition Society
That is great looking, you have done a very nice job. I especially like the awning, this is just what I have planned for my Jeepster Trailer, its nice to see someone do this so I can really see it in practice. You are inspiring me. Thanks for the pics.

Thanks for the comments! Good luck on your build.

Roughening it???:elkgrin: Looks like you brought the kitchen sink and more. Looking good.

No kitchen sink yet... :D

Did you pick up your trailer?

Late find on this thread!....Great looking conversion BTW. I've got a M416 frame, but the body is pretty well spent so I'm debating on having a new tub bent or just doing a custom frame up like you did. I'm curious to know if you have a material list you can send me (via PM) so I can do a cost comparison.

When I first started reading this I thought for sure by the end I would see that you re-used the old enclosed box's roof as a lid so I have to ask, did you consider reinforcing it and trying it?:D

I have all of my receipts for the steel, and the quantities. I will have to grab them and add it all up. I can tell you there are 5 sheets of steel (two different thicknesses) in what you see, and at least 8 - 10 20 foot sticks of 1 inch tube. One half stick of 1.5 inch square DOM. And about 300 bucks in random hardware, cut-off wheels, grinding discs, welding wire etc. I should be at about 1200-1500 bucks right now as you see it, not including the price of the original trailer as I already owned it.

I will get a list of steel together and post it.

No, I never tried reusing the roof. It was QUITE flimsy, and it didnt fit into my plan at all. (it was 8 feet long, the new trailer is only 6 ft, its round at the top, I wanted a flat lid etc)These trailers are fairly sturdy when they are all together, but you start cutting them apart and they become very weak.

Thanks for the comments!

Not from the trailer, anyhow... :REOutCampFire03:


Yes, I was a little wobbly... :D


Expedition Leader
Congratz on the first run..really looks sweet. Can't wait to see the final paint and the Tan looks like a great choice for both. Like the way all the goodies on the sides came together to make one tight, complete package.

On a side note though...I don't think that was Hilldweller's trailer...I didn't see a bottle of wine or a copy of the Overland Journal....:ylsmoke:


SE Expedition Society
On a side note though...I don't think that was Hilldweller's trailer...I didn't see a bottle of wine or a copy of the Overland Journal....:ylsmoke:
We had a bottle of Boggle merlot open to go with our Dutch oven pizza. :drool:

Kenny (Chips95, not be confused with the young sloppy-drunk Kenny) brought the OJ:

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