Holding the top of this post for more pictures..... Other buddy took the "nature" pics and not just the trucks lol
Also, will add some videos once I have time to go through the suspension
If there's any parts anyone wants any details on, whether the trip or the truck, just let me know!
It was an amazing trip. Moab and Arches are off the bucket list, but is still in top 5 places I would go tomorrow if I could. 5 days was just not enough. If you have the chance, go! We knew this would be the first of many trips, so we kind of winged the destinations. Next time we will definitely be more pointed on that, it was just hard with the weather. I definitely recommend buying a few maps prior to getting there both digital and paper. Also there are quite a few books that helped us. For us as first timers this one seemed to be the most helpful/ accessible to understanding what to expect
Only damage was the paint scratches and a squished sway bar bushing in the rear. Developed quite a squeak in the front, and noticed that my front sway bar bushing I had just replaced before the trip was a size too big. On our off day I went to the local advance auto parts and fixed that. The truck was amazing, turned over 226k miles on the trip and had no hiccups at all. I got 13.7 mpg on the ride there and back (including idling etc) We seemed to cruise at around 75 mph, with the FJ and trailer, which is slightly higher than my trip average in CA with lower speed limits. This caused a decrease in gas mileage. The entire trip with the off roading (2745 miles- I went to Los Angeles on the way back to the Bay Area, I averaged 12.3 mpg) Most of the off road days were around 6-7 mpg, but we did a lot of idling, taking pictures and waiting
We waited so much because of the suburban's suspension. It is so smooth off road. I only hit the bump stops a few times at speed, and on the rocks and that was only on the first day when we were fully loaded up and not aired down. On fins and things, and the other days, I couldn't hit the bump stops when I tried. The truck is just butter smooth, especially over washboard roads, and surprisingly on the slick rock/ hard rock. I was easily 5 mph faster than the f250 and surprisingly the FJ. It was more than just driver (The FJ driver was much, much more experienced than I am) The suburban just simply eats up bumps. All the passengers who rode in both couldn't believe how much faster and smoother the suspension and coilovers made the truck compared to everything else. There were places where the FJ has to bounce or bob over things slowly, where I would look back and didn't even see it as an obstacle. You will be able to see it in the videos when I post them. This is additionally, on the washboard roads being able to drive much, much faster than one would want in a 7000 lb vehicle. My previous 100's of trips, while I thought I had seen the capabilities of the truck, i have always treated it is a means to get somewhere and not gone out of the way to crawl. This was the first trip doing that, and it is 10x more capable in the slow stuff than I ever thought it would have been. For the washboard roads, it just keeps surprising me as a toned down trophy truck.
Also for the trip I went into 4wd maybe 5 or 6 times. The only places were when wheels were coming of the ground, or into 4low to get better gearing on the super super steep inclines. It was amazing with the locker how capable the truck is.
Only things I feel now to add are:
I've been sold on having an awning. I will be looking into mounting options/ awnings in the future.
I want to redo my rear platform. I think I can make it lighter and more efficient. I also want to add a drawer for the stove/ kitchen setup. Also, right now we are using hiking mattresses, I want to see if I can incorporate foam into the top, while still being able to use it for storage because the mattresses are a pain to unpack and pack.
Would love a bit more power at 70-75mph. Definitely doing a 6.0 rather than the 5.3 when the current engine goes out.
Now that my current tires are starting to show some age, I have been thinking about replacing them at the end of this year before next winter. 33 inch tires are great for these trips because of the mpg's. However I am going to think about 35's, maybe on a separate set of wheels for the not so long trips or trips with more crawling. This is caused by getting stuck on my rear diff in a few places. That extra inch from the 35's would help.