Another San Juans/Alpine Loop Trip


To celebrate our 10th anniversary, the wife and I decided to spend a few days in the Lake City area (30 June through 2 July). Fortunately, one of the Grandmas was able to keep our 4 and 2 year old, so we could have a much needed rest. Plenty of reports here covering this region, but I figured a few more pictures of it can't hurt.

Unsure of how busy the area might be with the holiday approaching, we decided to stay in a campground a little ways away from the Alpine Loop, near Slumgullion Pass:

We settled on Deer Lakes, which was wasn't bad for being a developed CG.
Our campsite:

There are several small lakes, making this a popular spot for fishing. We also got to see a pair of moose taking their evening meal - seemed to be a mother and calf, but we didn't think they'd appreciate us getting closer to ask:

A view from above the lakes and campground area, looking south:

We spent Saturday afternoon just hanging around camp - napping, snacking, and reading uninterrupted are our luxurious activities these days!


We drove the Alpine Loop on Sunday - west from Lake city on Cinnamon Pass, then back east on Engineer Pass. One source I used ( suggested that this "clockwise" direction was the most commonly driven, but people were driving it both ways in equal numbers. There are enough wide spots and turnouts to make passing oncoming traffic reasonable, but these trails (particularly Engineer) have a fair amount of narrow shelf road that might make some uncomfortable.

Our Loop start point:

Typical section of trail, near the beginning of Cinnamon:

Bighorn Sheep (I think) eating lunch along the trail:

Not far from the top:

More wildlife - "marmot or marmoset?" became the question of the hour. I have yet to look it up:

At Cinnamon Pass:

For some reason, my wife took this picture. I am either in mid-stretch, or practicing my Frankenstein walk. Either way, the rest of the view is nice:


We continued down to the mining site/ghost town of Animas Forks. This is a popular area, and lots of rental Jeeps parked here. A long, loud conversation heard from one group of (the many) Texan visitors revolved around the "Freee-toooes" they packed for lunch.

Some shots of Animas Forks:



After checking out the area and eating some lunch (sans Fritos), we headed up the trail to Engineer Pass:

The small, bare "hills" down in the valley reminded my wife of the barrows from Lord of the Rings. No Barrow Wights encountered:


You would have passed my camp! We were camped a little below Engineer Pass on the way to Lake City. Our site would have looked like this to you:


With this parked there:


We got there Saturday, the 30th, and left Friday the 6th.


I recently graduated and passed the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam, so we felt like this picture ought to be good luck of some kind in getting that dream job, soon:

Some shots from the top of the pass, and on the way down:


Two Jeeps that passed me in a big hurry - anyone can drive like Ivan a rental.

Nice to see at least a little water flowing in this dry, dry year:

Last few miles of road back into Lake City:

Capped off the day with a visit to a cannibalistic massacre site:

On Monday, we hiked a little of the Williams Creek trail (steep!), napped, walked around Deer Lakes some more and left for home on Tuesday morning. Was a great trip - next time we go back, I think we'll start from the Silverton/Ouray area and see the trails and sights on that side.


You would have passed my camp! We were camped a little below Engineer Pass on the way to Lake City. Our site would have looked like this to you:

We got there Saturday, the 30th, and left Friday the 6th.

I do remember seeing a few dispersed campsites, but not yours specifically - funny, I wonder how many from this site were there at that time? Unknowing, uncoordinated Expo Portal Jamboree of sorts?


Willman - thanks, was a much needed getaway.

Just a couple more random pics I'd like to include. As my haikusignature indicates, I still have not really made the transition from XJs, but perhaps publicly posting a "hero shot" of the Toyota will move the process along:

Yes, the footbridge is the only access, and yes, I'd love to own it, and yes, it is for sale:

Who would dare risk a moose attack while being eaten?


Wiffleball Batter
Nice shots! I had no idea the moose were so far south! We ran it in the opposite direction from Silverton a week ago Saturday (the 14th.)


Going over Engineer from the Ouray side is an entirely differrent experience! Beautiful road, but a good portion of it may be a little hairy for the unexperienced. I actually prefer that route. Great pictures!!


Going over Engineer from the Ouray side is an entirely differrent experience! Beautiful road, but a good portion of it may be a little hairy for the unexperienced. I actually prefer that route. Great pictures!!

Thanks! Not a technically difficult trail by any means, but the narrow road with severe drop-offs can mess with the mind, for sure. Pulling out of Animas Forks and on our way up Engineer, a guy in a 4-door JK coming down from Engineer flagged me down to ask "how bad is Cinnamon Pass?" At the end of the conversation, he looked at my 4Runner and asked, "is that thaaang four wheeeel drive?" I affirmed that my "thang" was indeed a 4x4, and he replied wearing the face that had seen a thousand deaths, "oh, well, yer gonna need it!"

Was unsurprised that he was driving a rental Jeep - poor guy likely had no idea what kind of road he was taking his family to.

Martinjmpr - we were also surprised to see the moose! Read your trip report, and was interested to see how your 4th gen did - my folks have one and would love to bring them down that way, I know my Dad would love to drive this route. Surprised you had scraping issues, I didn't think the 3rd gens had that much more clearance than the 4th gens?

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