Hi guy's.. sorry for the radio silence [how good of you to remind me, and how convenient those email notifications]. We spend x-mas and new years quietly at a deserted beach. Actually we are still there. Just found a nice guy whose usb modem I can use

[nice people do exist, even if we had a minor mishap in a big city; read the blog] so here are some images from last weeks and yesterday. I wish all you guys the best you can imagine in 2011... Now lets see if I can watch some Dakar on net, haven't followed it at all... :-(
steep slopes of tricky soft sand..
We find ourselves in tropical waters
Strolling at night at the beach we encounter this rare 'Cabeçuda'. Most turtles are 'Olives'. We were very lucky to meet this lady last night.
So this is our little camping spot. We are right in the middle somewhere. This shot is taken from across the reef. You can just walk over during low tide. We are spending x-mas there, probably new years as well.. Just us, a lot of coconuts, beach, books and gorgeous translucent warm seawater...
the fisherman pulling their Jangada on the beach.
Karin-Marijke walking and exploring endless deserted beaches.
High tide is bringing in old palmtrees.
Adventurous greetings,