So, where did I leave you guys hanging?
Right we were just about to enter Brazil from Guyana. Marvelous region, to bad it wasn't that dry otherwise we could have tourd more in the savannah where large indian communities still find peace and tranquility in the vastness.
Sunset at Balbina lake.
Stacked bananas on a truck.
When we are in Boa Vista, we are invited by Ricardo an avid 4x4 doctor and his wife. A great couple and we have a fun few days together.
Carol, Ricardo and Renata treating us to the local fish: Tambaqui.
Ricardo's fiber wrangler by Engesa + Toyota 14B. Completely self rebuild and currently finished and being sold in Brazil if you are interested. A unique project I might say.
Then we find out that our pre filter is dead. Completely rusted and gone. Ricardo then decides to take his Donaldson filter of his Big Toyota 4Runner and donates it to us.
Our "new" Donaldson pre filter sits proudly at the top! Thank you Ricardo!
Adventurous greetings,