" In the UK, enthusiasts are constantly looking for more powerful alternatives to the 300 Tdi. It is actually common to swap diesels for V8's there."
Not in the UK I live in
The only time you will find this is with challenge vehicles where an auto is more desireable and the higher rev range of the V8 is better. The V8 in question is usually a one off motor or from a sports car like a TVR.
The number of overlanders that go for the V8 can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Simply down to the lack of range
The 300Tdi is almost a religion over here. Few worry about the belt - it's easy to change. Halving the timescale is the preffered option. A belt is far more forgiving if you hydraulic the lump...
Getting power and torque out of 300's is easy so that's the route we take.
Change the turbo, re-bores, big 'coolers, decent injectors, dumping the EGR, propane, fuel additives, buio fuel - all easy fixes. Maybe not as easy as the 200Tdi but almost.
The Isuzu lump is fine on a manual box - LT95 or LT85 so isn't that difficult a fix but it's so damn heavy. You need to beef up the axles as well; even on a Salisbury; it's only really a Defender upgrade. Same thing goes for the Nissan FD3.5
If you need to but a Isuzu lump in your Disco then might be better to lose weight first or look to your gears. A D1 300Tdi in stock form with an R380 with all the basic kit will cruise at 80mph, down to 75 on the hills....
Best bet would be a nice re-build, VNT, propane, extra core on the rad, etc. Allisport do a nice 'cooler that fits in the stock place but cools 60% more than stock - I have one on my 110 - so no rad blockage
Don't forget the 1.66:1 T box by the way
As for Td5's. Great engine. Never intended for car use, designed for Defender and Disco. Easy to work on with a Rovacom - a fitters engine not a mechanics lump. Well serviced = nice and reliable. Easy to tune with a re-map. Won't run on veg or crap diesel though