any honda owners in these parts that take their rigs offroad?


New member
haha while were not tall people I'm 5'8'' gf is 5' flat, we definitely didn't sleep across the backseat. We set it up like this (photo from a different honda I did this too" civic.jpg

We'd pretty much move all of our stuff from the back into the front seats and then be able to almost fully stretch out. It was comfortable when we didnt tent camp. Had some pretty awesome images to wake up too. I'm going to do a write up on the finished expeditions section of the forum, I started it with what I pretty much stated here, be on the lookout!

And regarding the roofbag, definitely a great investment. ZERO leaks, I mean after a couple of thousand miles I'd have to re-secure it since It'd slide ever so slightly but honestly was on me for loosening it at times when we needed to get the suit cases. The zippers are also A+ quality so if youre really packed like we were, you dont have to worry about it breaking on you in the middle of nowhere. Like I said I'd just get an extra ratchet set just to be on the safe side but I have no complaints from the system in general. It saved us a bunch especially not having racks on the car to begin with and I couldnt have asked for more.


New member
I use a Pilot for camping at Dual Sport events around the SE. I constructed a bed for a twin mattress and have netting for the windows. Gets around 18-20mpg on the Hwy with the bike.
It's also my hunting vehicle til my trooper gets the necessary TLC. It will go anywhere I need if i don't stop and am careful about the unprotected drivetrain. Certainly not a jeep but muddy roads/fields and such are no problem. The all terrain tires make a huge difference.


Like him who has posted above me (Panhandler) I own a trooper but I also own a Isuzu Rodeo AKA Honda Passport


^^^ hates cars
^^^ lets see some pix! I know its not technically a Honda, but im an Isuzu fan as well...

panhandler, cool to see a pilot actually used for something other than hauling kids to the mall! looks kinda squatty in back. some newer Hondas toe in with rear wheels when weigh is added. you seeing any irregular wear when you tote around the bike like that? I like the pilots but haven't even ridden in one. heard good things though.

regarding your bike setup... are the straps to the roof rack your anti wobble devices?


Honda and "rig" used together. Interesting enough to get me to read the thread anyway. :smiley_drive:


New member
Some of the squat you see is the angle of the photo and unlevel ground its on. Spring assisted shocks were a must have for hauling the bike and fully loaded trailers. No abnormal tire wear noticed. As much as I like the AT's the noise level may not be worth it. I had Discovery's but replaced them due to noise. The BF's are better but not by much. Around town is the worst for both. Tire noise is drowned out by wind noise on the hwy. The Pilot is perfect for me now since Im a card carrying soccer dad. I do like everything but the unprotected undercarriage and the lack of true 4wd. It's all good if you keep moving but if you stop you're screwed. There is no wide open tire spinning that I'm accustomed to. Only slow tire spin with brakes going crazy trying to stop wheel spin. Overall I can't complain. dependability of a Honda and does what I need for now.
I'm about to start an engine swap on the Trooper. Taking the 4cyl 4spped out of an untitled 2 door 84 and putting it into a titled 4 door 6cyl auto with a bad motor. My first project of this magnitude. I'll see if I can find some pics.
Donor vehicle.
Iphone 5 pics 059.jpg


New member
I've somewhat overlanded in a 2005 honda civic. When I bought her in 2014 she had 170k clicks on her, and, at the time my only interest was getting a cheap car that would get me to and from work in warmth and comfort in the dead of winter, independent of the horrible Ottawa transit system. Little did I know I would endup going basically everywhere in this car. I've since named my car "Wanda" the honda because I go wandering around everywhere with her and have accumulated over 330,000kms on her. Here are a few pics of where I've been with her. She has been to many many more places but I only started photographing her after I realised (too late) that she goes everywhere I go on the North American continent.
-7 mile bridge, Florida Keys
-US 1 Mile 0, Florida Keys
-Confederation Bridge, Prince Edward Island/New Brunswick
-Cape Bretton, Nova Scotia
-Kennedy Space Center, Florida
-Chicoutimi, Quebec
-New Orleans, Louisiana

I've decided I'll try taking her on overlanding adventures to Europe and possibly South America. She wont be doing much off-roading like what I've been seeing on these forums so far, mainly staying on tarmac and stone road, but she indeed will go where most north american cars dont go. I plan to rebuild her engine, drive-train and re-do her suspension before years end, and try to have her shipped off to Amsterdam to do a 3 month trip through the nordic countries and a further 3 months in UK/Ireland.

7 mile bridge, Florida Keys
US 1 Mile 0, Florida Keys
Confederation Bridge, Prince Edward Island/New Brunswick
Cape Bretton, Nova Scotia
Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Chicoutimi, Quebec
New Orleans, Louisiana

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