Anybody need a puppy upgrade? Need help to re-home German Shepherd mix...


I've been talking with Denver's current humans and he seems like the right fit for us. The distance is the biggest hurdle right now. That being said, I'll throw this out there anyone making the drive from central California towards Las Vegas next week that might be able to transport a dog? I think I can fit a speed run to Vegas into my schedule. I'd be willing to offer help with gas, etc and meet up anywhere thats more convenient. Let me know or if anyone has any ideas how to make this work, I'm all ears (like Denver :) ). Thanks in advance - Bob
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If things dont work out, I can now take Denver. Construction next door is done, and fence is back up in our dog friendly yard. I will be coming back from Oregon Wednesday, or Thursday, so not a problem picking Denver up on the way back home.


If Denver doesn't mind living in Canada, we'd be interested to talk to see if Denver coming home with us would be possible.

We lost our dog five years ago due to a hit and run driver. Samson was our German Shepard / Akita mix that we adopted from a large dog rescue. Since he's been gone, we've made sure to allow enough time to mourn (there never is) before carefully looking at other dogs. While smaller than Samson, Denver has many qualities (size, energy, training and can't overlook short coat) that are appealing, especially as we now have two children aged 6 and 4. We live on a 1/2 acre property amongst other farms with a fully fenced yard and three outdoor decks for Denver to enjoy. Walking trails are down the road from us and three off-leash dog parks are just a 10-minute drive away.

So, if Denver is still looking for a home, please PM the owner's phone number or email. Thanks.

Samson, R.I.P.

billy bee

I wish I had pictures, but I hear it was a great get-together and Denver was the beneficiary. 2whlbob came down from Montana to meet Denver. Spent several hours with Dave, Anita, and Denver on the beach here. They all had dinner out together--although I think the dogs were relegated to the vehicles. And another visit Tuesday morning.

So, Denver has a new home. Many thanks to all of you for your interest and encouragement. Really appreciate you all...


Dave Bennett

I wish I had pictures, but I hear it was a great get-together and Denver was the beneficiary. 2whlbob came down from Montana to meet Denver. Spent several hours with Dave, Anita, and Denver on the beach here. They all had dinner out together--although I think the dogs were relegated to the vehicles. And another visit Tuesday morning.

So, Denver has a new home. Many thanks to all of you for your interest and encouragement. Really appreciate you all...



billy bee

Pictoral update...

Hi guys,

Anita sent over some pictures of the happy occasion. The one is my fave. I think it cries out for a caption contest:

Here's a picture of my friend Dave (left), holding Denver and Denver's new family, whose names I don't even know, holding Daisy. What does it say about me that I know the dogs' names and not the peoples' names. And I am in the human services business...

These nice people drove all the way from Montucky to fetch a dog. They must be good people. Anyway, a happy ending, I think. I'll wait to hear from Daisy. She may think Denver is a punk. I dunno...

Thanks again, guys,


Man I just tuned back to this... GREAT news to here Denver adopted buy loving people. GODD KHARMA to all involved!!!


Denver was NOT as represented...he is WAY better! We are so glad we took the drive. Thanks to Anita and David and BB for helping put us together. I'll post up in a few days when we get home. He is getting used to us and we to him. Daisy took awhile but she is liking him as well (don't tell her I said that). Thanks to all!


Denver liking the Sportsmobile

Here's a picture of Denver relaxing after a day of exploring the 'Swell'...IMG_9913 - Version 2.jpg

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