Apple Tablet: iPad


on a morning talk show they were kidding about the iPad being the perfect PDA for AARP members if set up with extra large fonts..... :elkgrin:

Scott Brady

The launch was not clear, and it appears GPS is only available on the 3G models

I will need to return this one and get the other... They should have made that clear in the beginning, though I expect even the basic models will be able to interface with a bluetooth or wifi gps soon.

The topo maps deployed on this screen are perfect


The launch was not clear, and it appears GPS is only available on the 3G models

I will need to return this one and get the other... They should have made that clear in the beginning, though I expect even the basic models will be able to interface with a bluetooth or wifi gps soon.

The topo maps deployed on this screen are perfect

I wouldn't count on it... you need to jailbreak the iphone to get it to pair up with a bluetooth GPS ( and I imagine it will be the same with the iPAD since the GPS in the the iPad is A-GPS and the apple ecosystem is so closed.

The other option will be a gps module/cradle like Tomtom and others have put out. I imagine those should work or will be ported to work shortly.



3G speed is so 2009! I expect smart phones, laptops and devices like the iPad to start offering 4G data capability by the end of 2010. On a good day, 3G offers 1 megabit service. 4G, which theoretically offers speeds up to 100 megabits per second, will provide a 5 megabit download in real life.

Sprint has 4G service available in more than 30 cities today. Verizon Wireless says 1/3 of its network will be converted to 4G by December, 2010, and 2/3 of the network converted a year after that. AT&T and T-Mobile plan roll-outs of 4G service in 2011.

As always, it's not clear how much interoperability you can expect from 4G hardware. Sprint is using WiMax, so its gear won't work with AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile, which are using LTE technology. And it's not clear if AT&T's LTE will be the same as Verizon's.

Could get a little 4G/Wifi transciever and connect to the ipad with wifi. That may be a better car solution anyways, allowing multiple connections.

Sprint has apparently been deleting from their website negative reviews of their 4G products. Some people are very disappointed.


Expedition Leader
I tried the Clear/Sprint 4G service when it was first released in
Las Vegas. The service worked well around the Strip. I could
stream video while driving on the freeway. But there was poor
service inside the hotels, shopping malls and convention center,
all locations where conventional 3G service from Verizon and AT&T
works. And the Sprint service didn't work well at my home. So
I canceled.

I will definitely give 4G another try after Clear has enough time
to build out the network more completely. I get good cell phone
service from Verizon and AT&T at home, so when they offer 4G I
will take a look.


Photographer in the Wild
I am having trouble trying to figure out where the ipad fits in. I have heard a lot about it being a "toy" and about the lack of a usb port. What I would like to know is. If you loose cell service do you also loose gps capability. The ipad seems like a good setup with a few flaws so I am trying to get the gist of it. I have a magellan gps for the car but want to set up something with topos for my off road vehicle. Thought about the tough books by pan but at $2000 it is a little steep for my tastes. Any advise, knowledge of what I can do would be great


Expedition Leader
The biggest and main application I have, regarding the iPad, is for on/off road nav'ing. So we'll just have to wait and see what apps are released for my purpose and how well they manage the task.

Its just another arrow in the proverbial digital tools/computer quiver. I can't see it replacing a computer per se...but it may just be able to replace having to deal with Lowrance or Garmin...for me at least :).


island Explorer
Think of it as an oversized Ipod touch/ ebook reader with a few extra capabilities. Nothing more. If it delivers more its a bonus


Expedition Trophy Winner
Think of it as an oversized Ipod touch/ ebook reader with a few extra capabilities. Nothing more. If it delivers more its a bonus

Or maybe an iPod touch is now a scaled down version of an iPad? Urban Dictionary called the iPod touch the 'iPad nano' for it's word of the day.

Haven't gotten the guts to go buy one but just can't pull the trigger yet...waiting for a jailbreak (it's been shown on youtube, but not released yet)...might have to get it just to compare to my s10-3t and see which works better...I'm sure what everyone saying about the iPad will make it the best portable computer yet, and the apps are cool so far, but $10-15 per app? especially when there's so much free shareware out there for Windows, and some seriously great paid software (Ozi, ON, Delorme, etc)...not to mention I can use MS Office on my netbook :) oh and flash :) oh and can load pictures from my camera's SD card :) oh and can hook up a $35 external Sirf3 GPS for better accuracy :) oh and can hook up my handheld GPS to load in waypoints when I want to go on a hike and not carry around a fragile computer :) oh and can use a mouse when I don't feel like fatfingering the touchscreen :) oh and I hook up a TV tuner card and watch OTA TV for free :) oh and I can hook it up to my living room LCD to watch movies with a $3 VGA cable :) oh and I can stream movies from my home server to any computer in the house via windows 7 :) oh and I can get a car adapter for it for $10 off eBay :) oh and I can replace the battery ... oh and I can load linux if I want ... oh and...

anyways...I think you get my point

Buzz Lightyear

New member
My family has three of them. We will be moving to Europe shortly and bought them for our kids to use for schoolwork, entertainment, e-mail, etc. They are way more than just a larger iPod. With Pages and Keynote they are legitimate work tools than can turn out a great product. The keyboard is big enough for real work, even if it isn't optimally sized, and you can always buy a cradle. My kids haven't used Word and PowerPoint for years, and within 30 minutes they had both Pages and Keynote figured out and working.

I am waiting for the 3G version, which I intend to buy as soon as it comes out. I think it will be a great Nav system once the expected bugs are sorted out. A cradle similar to TomTom's would be great, but ideally it would include an Otter Box type cover that would protect the iPad from dust, moisture, etc. That, coupled with the ability to upload, manipulate and e-mail pictures is about all I really need in a computer when I travel, though obviously some folks want/need way more.

The iPad might not be for everyone, but in the first week it certainly seems perfect for us.


Photographer in the Wild
I am waiting for the 3G version, which I intend to buy as soon as it comes out. I think it will be a great Nav system once the expected bugs are sorted out.
Thats just the thing. will it be able to do this while off road with no cell service. I know my G1 cell nav is useless in the mountains. once i am out of range for cell reception it becomes a paper weight. 3G or not if it does not work in remote areas it will not be a suitable nav system unless all you do is drive in the city. not sure you could use an app for the need to have real time sat link like a garmin or megellan. I have the megellan with a large screen but I do not believe I can load topo to it. would be slick if I could.

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