Apple Tablet: iPad


anyone figured out how to get adobe flash to work on the Ipad?

No, and it pretty much won't happen. Jobs is pushing, and correctly in my opinion, for HTML5 in favor of Flash. Most of the big players are coding alternate versions of their sites in HTML5 ie Youtube, Hulu, etc just so they don't loose out on the lucrative iPad and iPad Nano audience, and it seems to be driving the move to this new standard.


Expedition Leader
"anyone figured out how to get adobe flash to work on the Ipad?"

Here's one way: Glide for iPad

Glide is primarily designed to help a group collaborate on document editing. Glide for PC and for Mac is written using Flash and runs inside a web browser. There are versions that work on Blackberry and Android smart phones, too. Documents are stored on a web server so a group has shared access.

The iPad version of Glide, in contrast, is 100% HTML5. To make the iPad version work with the other Glide products, the web server runs a translation program to convert from Flash to HTML5. Glide for iPad includes browsing tools that help you move Flash content from web sources to the server, where they can be translated and displayed on the iPad.

The free iPad app comes with 30GB of storage on a cloud server. When you need more storage space, upgrade to Glide Pro, including 250GB of storage, for $50 a year.


Expedition Leader
Anyone have a decent solution to mount an IPAD into a 4x4 that's not too intrusive & definitely not requiring cutting into my dash, etc.?

Also, anyone know if Overland Navigator is available for the Ipad (either a 3G or Jailbroken one). It's about the best solution I've seen for off road navigation thus far including support for a touch screen PC's/Tablet PC's.


Anyone have a decent solution to mount an IPAD into a 4x4 that's not too intrusive & definitely not requiring cutting into my dash, etc.?

Also, anyone know if Overland Navigator is available for the Ipad (either a 3G or Jailbroken one). It's about the best solution I've seen for off road navigation thus far including support for a touch screen PC's/Tablet PC's.

Pending release date of August 1st.


Expedition Leader
The latest jailbreak software appeared August 2. The program is called Jailbreakme 2.0.

This program takes a new approach. It installs by running inside the Safari web browser included with the iPad. There's no need to involve iTunes. Just point Safari at

Here's a pretty complete description of the precautions to take before jailbreaking, and the steps necessary to make it happen.

The Jailbreakme 2.0 web page works for iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch models. The link to the Redmondpie web page above has a complete list of the Apple devices that can be jailbroken by this procedure.

I followed the instructions, which include upgrading to the latest versions of iTunes and the iPad OS, then backing up the iPad to your desktop computer via iTunes. This makes it possible to restore the iPad to its standard configuration without losing a bunch of personal settings and data.

Then I took the plunge. I connected to the Jailbreakme web site, and within 45 seconds, I had a liberated iPad. The first non-standard software I've loaded is the Bluetooth utility that lets me use a wireless mouse with the iPad.

So far, so good. The only standard application that I have loaded that doesn't seem happy with the jailbroken OS is a program from ABC that lets me view TV shows via WiFi. Once jailbroken, my iPad will remain this way until I update the iPad OS, or restore the iPad to the original OS.

If you're thinking about jailbreaking using this approach, you should act soon. Apple says they have a way to block the program, and they will release it soon.

Jailbreakme 2.0 code is able to sneak in through the Safari browser by pretending to be a special font in a PDF file. Safari loads the code, and the program is able to run. This is a major security issue. Undesirable and dangerous programs can load themselves the same way. Apple is right to act quickly to close this hole in security.

People, like me, who want to keep our jailbroken iPads, can run software on the iPad that warns when a PDF file is about to be opened. This allows me to choose what files I open, and minimizes the chance that some malware will sneak aboard.


I jail broke my iPad last week because the onboard gps is too week for my use. I am a pilot and find using Foreflight app in flight is a pretty good help to situational awareness. So I downloaded BT Stack GPS and that allows me to pair a Bluetooth GPS witch perform really well in a cockpit (10 satellites at 37000').

Also jail broke my iPod touch 2G so I can now use all the apps that use gps now.

I have yet to install the PDF protection app but for now it was worth it.

By the way the Bluetooth GPS gets an awesome precision when compared to the onboard one.



Expedition Leader

What GPS accuracy were you getting with your iPad 3G before you started using the external GPS? I know the external GPS receivers can provide accuracy to within a few feet.

Which external bluetooth GPS device are you using?




What GPS accuracy were you getting with your iPad 3G before you started using the external GPS? I know the external GPS receivers can provide accuracy to within a few feet.

Which external bluetooth GPS device are you using?


Before the JB I was getting about 5 to 10 meters of precision now I can easily get 0.8 meters 80% of the time.

The unit I chose is the US Global Sat BT-359 as it is WAAS anabled and provides 10hrs of use on one charge.



Expedition Leader
Thanks for the information. I see a seller on eBay offering the US Global Sat BT-359 for $25 shipped. So an owner of a WiFi-only iPad could add GPS for the cost of the Jailbreak (free), the BTStack GPS software ($5), and the GPS hardware ($25), total $30. Sweet!

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