Good to know Chip.
Well, we are heading out Friday with our first trip with ours and im excited to use it. What im not excited about is the 3G data package. Just for the fact that its going to be eaten up so fast. Just streaming video while on the highway is going to gobble up our data in a heart beat and that's one of the reasons why we bought it. Yosh wants to stream ABC7 app player. Also the charging issue is rather lame. Our USB port in our truck won't charge the pad. That means we'll have to use an inverter if need be. I don't like that either.
But for checking email and staying connected to work, it should work great. Also, i can wait to use the star finder program and google earth while out in the field.
Couple apps that we installed for the trip , were the topo2go, yellow pages, google earth and techron2go (find our Chevron gas stations on the fly).
I'd like to eventually off load photos from our DSLR to the iPad while "in trip" but that will have to wait since the camera cable is expensive and running a micro sd card adapter in our camera will slow it down.
Anyways, cool product but don't know if it's $700 dollars cool. After this trip, we'll evaluate it and see if we'll return it.