Apple Tablet: iPad


Expedition Leader
Just did the iPad update. Took nearly 3 hrs. Hate the loss of the orientation lock switch. It's now a mute button. Apple need to fix that. Someone mentioned it makes it more online with the way the phone works? This isn't a phone Apple! I hope the offer an update to make this change optional via configuration settings.


Just did the iPad update. Took nearly 3 hrs. Hate the loss of the orientation lock switch. It's now a mute button. Apple need to fix that. Someone mentioned it makes it more online with the way the phone works? This isn't a phone Apple! I hope the offer an update to make this change optional via configuration settings.

I talked with a an Apple tech support perfessional (OK only name I could come up with a hint of respect) during a problem on the latest update install. He said that there is an online campaign gaining momentum and there will more than likely be a fix in the next update to let you choose to use that switch as an orientation lock or mute in the setting menu.

I can't vouch for how true this is, so take it as it's worth.

I guess I am one of the few that like it on the home screen. I have an Otter Box and the switch is hard to get to behind the rubber dust flap. I love the brightness and volume options there as well. It's quicker to get to and you don't have to find what side of the iPad is up to find the volume switch.....I guess that's just me though.

Andy G

Just did the iPad update. Took nearly 3 hrs. Hate the loss of the orientation lock switch. It's now a mute button. Apple need to fix that. Someone mentioned it makes it more online with the way the phone works? This isn't a phone Apple! I hope the offer an update to make this change optional via configuration settings.

THREE hours?

I did both our iPhones, the iPod Touch, AND the iPad in about 1.5 hours.


Expedition Leader
THREE hours?

I did both our iPhones, the iPod Touch, AND the iPad in about 1.5 hours.

Yup. The backup took the longest for some reason. Not sure why since it's on a relatively fast system w/out any issues. Usually the backup for my iPad normally takes what I feel is an excessive amount of time.


Just updated mine... I don't understand AirPrint. What's the point of adding printing functionality that only works with wireless printers? Why not let us print to any printer on the network? Just like you would from a wireless MacBook?


Bad Elf now makes an apple authorized gps unit, it plugs right into the serial port on the bottom of the ipad and it has a usb hub on the backside so you should be able to charge the ipad while using it.
I just ordered this off Amazon. I was hoping I wouldn't have to jailbreak/bluetooth gps my ipad to get a better gps signal. Looks like it should do the trick for offroad gps signals too or I just waste another 100 bucks.

Amazon Link

Bad Elf Website

Any updates on this gps?


AirPrint Shared Printers in Mac OS 10.6.5

Just updated mine... I don't understand AirPrint. What's the point of adding printing functionality that only works with wireless printers? Why not let us print to any printer on the network? Just like you would from a wireless MacBook?

Please do tell!!!!

1) Make sure you're logged into an admin account.
2) From System Preferences, delete any existing printer(s).
3) Open Terminal and Copy/Paste the following (all one line):

sudo bash -c "echo 'image/urf urf (0,UNIRAST<00>)' > /usr/shar/cups/mime/airprint.types"

4) Hit Enter and type your admin pw when promted.
This will create text-file @ /usr/share/cups/mime/ that will enable AirPrint support (at least on the current build of OS X 10.6.5). The file can easily be removed later, if needed.
5) Reboot.
6) Add printer(s) again + share them. Now you can locate your printer(s) from anything running iOS 4.2


Expedition Leader
Best Buy is offering a free portable WiFi hotspot when you purchase a WiFi only iPad. You choose AT&T, Verizon Wireless or Sprint as the carrier that works with the hotspot. The offer lasts until January 2.

A two year service agreement with the chosen carrier is required, but the hotspot hardware (like the Novatel MiFi) usually costs $50-$100 with a 2 year contract.

The AT&T and Verizon hotspots are 3G speed only. Sprint offers the Overdrive hotspot, which is 3G in most places, but 4G in cities where it's available. You can check if your city has Sprint 4G here

Best Buy also announced that they are waiving their 15% restocking fee on computers, tablets and phones. So there's no penalty for taking an item out of the box before deciding if you want to keep it.


Expedition Leader
Several hardware manufacturers are saying that they will have a 7" to 10" Android tablet "in early 2011." The companies are waiting for the 3.0 release of the Android OS, called "Honeycomb" by Google. 3.0 contains more features useful when running a tablet. Improvements include support for more pixels on the screen, the ability to run multiple windows on the screen, a desktop layout that takes advantage of more screen real estate, and a software developers kit designed for tablets.

"Honeycomb" is supposed to be released in March, so the manufacturers will start the wheels turning in March and April.

So Apple has a choice: Release the 2.0 version of the iPad in February, before the avalanche of news about the new Android 3.0 devices, or wait until late April, the one year anniversary of the original iPad release.

If they wait, they run the risk of being labeled as a "me-too" product that copied some Android features. I doubt Apple wants that.

So I'm predicting that the iPad 2, with new screen, slightly slimmer dimensions, at least one built-in camera, and possibly a dual core processor, will appear in February. I think the original iPad will continue to be sold, with a price reduced by about $100 or so.

What's your view?


I kind of doubt they will release early (It would be nice since I'm waiting for gen 2 before I think about getting one). I don't think they deviate from their release cycles much. They don't seem to compare themselves to others - they don't necessarily want huge market share. I read this article, and it seems to apply to apple as well. They just want the right (paying) customers.

I'm curious to see what comes this year (and MS might be releasing windows for ARM chips).

BTW it seems samsung has the best iPad alternative out there (I think according to consumer reports). There's several android tablets avail, and I would think many of these would be able to upgrade to gingerbread 3.0



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I also doubt they will release early. My perception of Apple is that they value build-quality and user experience somewhat more than being first-to-market with features, unless the new feature is something truly innovative. They can always maintain a strong market-share based solely on these qualities. Therefore, I don't think the forthcoming Android devices will have much bearing on Apple's release schedule, if any.

I think a lot of consumers will buy Apple regardless of what the competitors' specs and feature sets are. This isn't entirely uneducated. Apple products almost always guarantee good build-quality and a positive user experience. For folks who just want to use a device within the parameters defined by Steve Jobs, it's a pretty safe bet they will be happy with their product.

The rest of the consumers out there who are interested in a new tablet, or similar device, aren't going to be content with having limitations imposed on them, and these are the people who are going to gravitate toward the Android device. It's powerful, it's versatile, and it's open. It's also a very worthy platform based on these merits.

I suppose my point is - there is enough competition there to propel innovation, but both technologies will always be able to succeed independent of each other, much like Mac and PC computers have for years. I can see Android having an influence on Apple, but I can't see Apple "reacting" to the competitors' release schedules.

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