ARB 4Runner Build


Supporting Sponsor
i have been using my ARB 50qt fridge for a year now with the OEM rear socket without issue. It does power off after 2hrs of engine off, but no problems when engine is running or a short stopover.

That is not good. More than likely the fridge is shutting down because you have too much resistance in your factory accessory circuit. This is a prime example of why we offer the aftermarket outlet and harness.

Depending on the fridge setting and ambient temp, your fridge should be able to run for several hours with the engine off.

With this 4Runner (factory battery) we ran the fridge for over 24 hours with a 85-90 degree ambient temp outside.



Why'd you block the cooling vent for the power inverter with that cool ARB sticker? :ylsmoke:


I think once the truck settles and gets loaded with gear it would be good to look at the numbers again.

Regarding the numbers being 'whack', it appears that the chart could indicate null or neutral - we cannot be certain. I am suspecting it is neutral. Neutral caster on an ifs truck with big anti-swaybar and rack and pinion steering is likely not a big deal- two seconds on a ride and drive will tell. I would be more interested in the effects of the roll center change. If I get a chance to drive it, I will share my thoughts.

Did you get a chance to drive it, and get a feel for the suspension response?

I had my OME suspension in for over a year, before installing Light Racing UCA's. It was drivable, but it always felt nervous. The camber could never be set right, without loosing the caster completely. It wandered, followed ruts, was easily pushed by the wind. Now it is very stable, and much less mentally fatiguing, on long drives.


New member
any feedback on these tires? I'm curious as they are surprisingly some of the lightest LT tires out there @ 50lbs each....

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Any chance of putting this baby up in a raffle? Unfortunately it's the only way I could afford one.

I agree, this would be great to bring it around to some shows for awhile, then raffle it off to EXPO members. I'd say about 90% of us are in the boat of drooling all over this, but few could afford it


Supporting Sponsor
any feedback on these tires? I'm curious as they are surprisingly some of the lightest LT tires out there @ 50lbs each....

Unfortunately, not much off road use. However, the boss has been driving on them for the past few months and he loves them in our wet weather.


OverCamping Specialist
Wheels and skids look great.

Hope you guy's got the custom pin stripping fixed, that burned me up when I saw that a few weeks back.


Supporting Sponsor
Wheels and skids look great.

Hope you guy's got the custom pin stripping fixed, that burned me up when I saw that a few weeks back.

All fixed up. Unfortunately, leaving the body shop, a bird decided to make a deposit on the nice clean paint!


All fixed up. Unfortunately, leaving the body shop, a bird decided to make a deposit on the nice clean paint!

They say that's lucky! By any chance have you happened to have heard anything down the line of a "snorkel" being produced for the 5th Gen 4runner?

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