ARB 4Runner Build


New member
Could we get a few more pics of the front bumper from different angles?

Also did u get everything aligned without issue?


Supporting Sponsor
Could we get a few more pics of the front bumper from different angles?

Also did u get everything aligned without issue?

I will try to get some different angle shots when we get the 4Runner back. Its at the dealership getting aligned as I type this.


Yes, please post the alignment results (specifically, the actual caster & camber angles).

My OME lift (medium springs) put some of my alignment settings out of spec., and the settings that were in spec., were close to being out. It makes for less than stellar driving stability (it had a nervous and darty feel). A set Light Racing UCA's and a proper alignment solved all the lifted-Toyota geometry problems. Now it drives great and carries a load with confidence. I'm very happy with the OME lift.
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Supporting Sponsor
Just got the 4Runner back from the dealership. Here is the spec sheet.


(if you can read it, click here to view a larger image )

Now remember, OME suspension will settle to a ride height after a few thousand miles. This is its break in period. After we put on a few thousand miles, we will have it aligned to make sure everything is still within spec.


Notice the caster is out of spec. They didn't even print it out.

Notice how out-of-spec it was, before they worked on it. That is a Toyota geometry problem. As the suspension stretches out, the caster moves towards zero. The adjustment cams can not account for all of the caster loss, without pushing the camber into a very poor condition.

My OME springs have been very good. Only 1/4" of settling, mostly due to working into final position. I am not complaining about OME products, mine are quite good quality.

This alignment issue could be solved just as easily, with an offset bushing in one of the stock control arms (if they made them).


New member
Notice the caster is out of spec. They didn't even print it out.

Notice how out-of-spec it was, before they worked on it. That is a Toyota geometry problem. As the suspension stretches out, the caster moves towards zero. The adjustment cams can not account for all of the caster loss, without pushing the camber into a very poor condition.

My OME springs have been very good. Only 1/4" of settling, mostly due to working into final position. I am not complaining about OME products, mine are quite good quality.

This alignment issue could be solved just as easily, with an offset bushing in one of the stock control arms (if they made them).

Light racing and some other company make replacement UCAs that have a great deal more adjustment.

It's serviceable as it is IMHO, although with either the factory or recommended settings the 2010/2011 is pretty squirmy. On my (stock) TE that seems to only happen when empty though - when stuffed to the gills it rides like you'd expect it to.


ARB, I dig your build, big-time. How much does the front bumper weigh?


Drawer system

Bill finishing up the ARB Roller Drawer system install.


Great looking drawer setup. Like the modular approach
Wish there was a way to have a complete platform (long enough to replace rear seats and be able to sleep).


New member
Just got the 4Runner back from the dealership. Here is the spec sheet.


(if you can read it, click here to view a larger image )

Now remember, OME suspension will settle to a ride height after a few thousand miles. This is its break in period. After we put on a few thousand miles, we will have it aligned to make sure everything is still within spec.

man.. this is a whack alignment.. you have POSITIVE camber and NO caster final spec shown.. it could be negative for all we know

i know ARB doesn't sell upper control arms but maybe you should because your alignment is whacked.. if you have positive camber there is no way your caster would be within spec

i'm sure you know the effects of not enough positive caster have on handling..

Scott Brady

I think once the truck settles and gets loaded with gear it would be good to look at the numbers again.

Regarding the numbers being 'whack', it appears that the chart could indicate null or neutral - we cannot be certain. I am suspecting it is neutral. Neutral caster on an ifs truck with big anti-swaybar and rack and pinion steering is likely not a big deal- two seconds on a ride and drive will tell. I would be more interested in the effects of the roll center change. If I get a chance to drive it, I will share my thoughts.


Thanks for that reply Scott. Exactly, you'd be surprised at what 4000-5000 miles of driving along with a couple offroad off-camber runs will do for a break-in period. If they're bringing it to the NorthWest OffRoad Rally and even Hollister for the H.H.O.R. along with the other events around that time it will settle and need an alignment afterwards anyhow. :safari-rig:


New member
No ARB sliders available. We have some coming for the Prado 150 and will be test fitting them to see how close they are, but nothing yet.

this is what i want, just like the FJ but for the 4Runner, need to lose the trim piece under the doors and fit it up there tight.


i have been using my ARB 50qt fridge for a year now with the OEM rear socket without issue. It does power off after 2hrs of engine off, but no problems when engine is running or a short stopover. It insulates well enough to keep cold items cold overnight.
Not a fan of the front bumper, sticks out too far.
Loving the '05 wheels though.
Cant wait to see a rear bumper and sliders from arb.

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