ARB Bumper and accessories for the H3


Expedition Leader
expeditionswest said:
I give plenty of bad press... Have you seen my rants on H2s, made in China tents, etc.?

The H3 is not a bad choice for a trail and exploration SUV. They even have a pretty good quality record. Certainly, they are not an 80 series, but I would gladly take one over a 200 series....

4 to 1 case and a rear locker.

c&d did a comparison test a couple years back and griped about the lack of power. i think thats a car perspective. 200hp can clear mud from 33's. thats all you need.

i think if GM would have spent a couple bucks cleaning up the stuff that hangs down underneath, it would have been a great rig, and not so much a marketing pretender based on styling.


Expedition Leader
Guinness44 said:
Take an H2, or an H3 (adventure) out of the showroom and run any trail in Moab. I have seen total beginners in a H2 going up Hells Gate, never spun a tire. Certainly the H1 dominates, by having amazing clearance, no lowhanging diffs, geared hubs, and dieseltorque. Driving, there is a H1 line, and a everything else line....(low diffs line). Whatever one chooses to drive, we got to stick together for our right of our hobby, and not get so stuck on a brand.

lets not get carried away. the h1 line in PA is the highway, unless of course, youre packing a chainsaw.


Oh they just don't make them like they used to..nothing will ever compare to the old Tojo's unless you are an old Landy owner and then you would turn your nose up at an old Tojo. And them thar new fand dangle things..all electronics and gadgets, jeez I remember back in 45 when I broke both axles and had to push the darn thing 100 miles to find a tree so I could cut some logs to help roll it the other 100 mile back home. Damn, weren't those the days.

I have owned a few trucks over the years and it seems to me that people always expect my truck to do what they want to do!

Some guys want to climb big rocks, some only want to climb little rocks and some don't give 2 hoots about climbing any rocks. No one is right or wrong , as long as thier truck does what THEY want it to do.

I am confident that my truck will take me safe to remote, desert country where I would not take an IFS 100 series Toyota in a blue fit,and whats more, it will get me back. And on the week ends when I go 4WD'ing it has already taken me to where Jeep Wranglers...heavily modified also, got to and way passed where my mates 100 series landcruiser goes.

The H3 is not perfect, but for some of us, maybe GM haven't got it quite as wrong as some people would have you believe.


I'm assuming it was my post that was deleted? If you can show me where I was "brand bashing", go for it. Not once did I make a remark about the Hummer itself or the GM brand. I was making fun of all the Hummer OWNERS that live in my immediate area (neighbor included) that chrome every part including rear leaf springs. When Scott mentioned that ARB is coming out with products for the H3, I immediately thought of my neighbor putting on the snorkel and having it chrome plated.

Whatever man. I'm sure this post will end up getting deleted as well. Back to Mud.
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Well mine reply was deleted and I think it was even less offensive than yours. I was merely trying to point out that there are "bling" owners within every brand and even had a pic of a blinged fj cruiser to illustrate the point..not sure how brand bashing that was as I did not denigrate any brand at all...and I have been restricted from posting new that indefinite or am i in the naughty corner for a period of time????

Bit over zealous me thinks!


WOW:clapsmile .

X2. (so far my post is still in ZIMMs post.... go figure that).

Some posts are deleted.. interesting. This definitely has gotten off topic, that can happen. Thinking, this is an expedition forum, one compares brands, what was bashing? A little chrome, so what? One thing, LIKE NOTHING ELSE. For those who know, know.


ExPo Original
One of our hard-working moderators was just attempting to keep it on track gentlemen.

This thread was created to post a press release in the Expedition News folder. Replies debating the merits or lack thereof and the chromobility of the H3, aren't really necessary. There are other sub-forums for that kind of chat.

"We at thank you for your understanding at this time. In the future, we'll expect it instead." ;)

nugget said:
....I have been restricted from posting new that indefinite or am i in the naughty corner for a period of time????
No naughty corner here.... I'm not sure what has happened regarding your ability to post new threads. I'll buzz the IT geeks for you -


Central Scrutinizer
kcowyo said:
....... Replies debating the merits or lack thereof and the chromability of the H3, aren't really necessary. There are other sub-forums for that kind of chat........

..... I'll buzz the IT geeks for you -

Whilst you are summoning the powers of the IT department, You may want to have them check your spell checker........:safari-rig:

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