Astro AWD "Stroverlander"



Current lift:

OLV 2" lift kit, includes: 2" body lift spacers, longer hardware, adjustable front bumper brackets, Airbagit adjustable 0"-2" lift shackles set at 2" lift, e-brake cable relocation bracket

Fabtech FTS202 add-a-leaf springs, stock leaf springs

4° pinion shims cured the low speed vibration after installing the lift shackles

Stock torsion keys adjusted close to max

Relocated upper ball joints

Rancho RS999152 slightly longer front shocks

Rancho RS999147 stock length rear shocks with relocated lower shock mounts

Energy Suspension Adjust-A-Link sway bar end link kit (slightly longer)

I do still want to experiment with 3" body lift spacer and reduce the torsion adjustment some to relax the cv angle. The stock steering shaft (on later year vans) is long enough for the 3" spacers, power steering lines may be tight. I do still have a small amount of vibration around 60 mph that I feel is coming from the front. I didn't replace the front propeller shaft u-joint when I did the rear, so I'd like to rebuild that with new u-joint and cv as well. It's possible relaxing the cv angle would cure the vibration as other have mentioned early in the thread.

I just haven't tried adjusting the torsion keys lower to reduce cv angle and see if the minor front vibration disappears. I should probably get going on that and rebuilding the front driveshaft so I know where I stand on this. Forum member walks with ducks had front vibration issues (pre-lift I believe) and think he solved it by installing a new front driveshaft, maybe he will see this and offer his opinion.

Alternatively, a front differential drop could be a solution.
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Cool thanks for the info, I am seriously considering going the Astro route to down size my current fleet from two into one vehicle. My Xterra has a substantial amount of angle on the half shafts form the 3 inch lift and there is a minor vibratiion at highway speeds if it is in FWD . Is there a differential drop available for these vans or is it something a guy would have to podge together?


Torsion lift, the diff drop would reduce the steeper cv angles from torsion adjustment though more common on other GM IFS lifts using lift keys. A day spent troubleshooting to determine the cause/location of vibration and experimenting with reduced torsion lift and removing front propshaft would probably give answers. Though once I remove the front propshaft and it's in my hands, I am going to want to rebuild before re-installing in van! :Mechanic:

I've been considering a rebuilt front propshaft for a while now but just not that interested in spending the money for a reman part ($250-$300) like the A1-Cardone #65-9146.


I already have a Moog/Precision 235 greaseable u-joint on hand from way back when I did the rear u-joints and they are (supposedly) both shafts. What I couldn't find was the cv assembly for the t-case end of the front propshaft.

Being an Astro, none of the cool kids stuff ever seems to be listed for fitment so I spend a fair bit of time cross-referencing parts that may work from other GM models. Recently, while on a late night blitzkrieg on the line :coffee: I came across one such replacement part. Maybe this is news, or maybe not but I thought it to be a potentially decent find. Not only saving over a reman front propshaft but also not dealing with a core charge and getting to do the rebuild myself.

The Dorman #932-102 Propellor Shaft CV Joint Kit is listed for '99-up Blazer, Jimmy and Bravada but not the Astro. Like I said, normally I like to try and cross-reference everything to death to be absolutely sure but the GM parts diagrams only list the front propshaft as one piece/part number so nothing absolute without being able to directly compare. The nice thing is it can be had for around $100, so looking at less than half what the reman would be.


I am thinking GM probably didn't have too many different iterations of this style part and so is possibly the same for late model Astro (same spline count). There is a similar Dorman part #932-101 but the flange at the end is wider and housing shape differs from above.

Best photo I could find of front propshaft cv at t-case on my van...


Now all I have to do is to tempt fate and (eventually) order the part, or possibly track one down an auto parts store to compare and :victory: could be mine!
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I'm sure it would, though the minimal vibration doesn't warrant any sort of custom approach. The double-cardan is certainly more stout looking than the factory cv though I'm not trying to delve into nor debate the merits of one type of joint over another here (I've read some of those thread!). :ylsmoke:

My philosophy with Stroverlander has always been to utilize as many standard or factory type replacement parts if possible to keep everything simple and straightforward.

If I was going to do a D44 sas and D60 rear, then yeah, I'd probably be looking at some custom fabricated bits. :safari-rig: :sombrero:
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Well I hope you don't mind my using this great reference material as my Xterra is moving on to another happy owner and I am now on the hunt for an Astro.


In discussing a similar vibration with an A/S forum member, I came across a TSB in the factory service manual that I thought was interesting.

It's related to vibration at 60-65 mph resulting from an engine firing harmonic at torque converter lockup. It is sort of a moot point though since the leaf spring and rear diff damper kits are NLA but good to know that it may not be as serious as a driveline related vibe. I'm still going to do my dude diligence on the front propshaft, etc though. :sombrero:

Can read more about it here:

Rolling Boom Noise Inside Vehicle (Install Pinion Nose Damper and/or New Rear Leaf Spring Dampers) #00-03-09-001B - (Oct 19, 2004)

Rolling Boom Noise Inside Vehicle (Install Pinion Nose Damper and/or New Rear Leaf Spring Dampers)
1995-2005 Chevrolet Astro Van Models

1995-2005 GMC Safari Van Models

This bulletin is being revised to add the 2005 model year, change a nut part number within the spring damper kit and change a quantity in the Parts Information. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 00-03-09-001A (Section 03 - Suspension).


Some owners may comment about a "boom" noise inside the vehicle while driving at speeds ranging between 97-105 km/h (60-65 mph). This condition is most noticeable from behind the driver's seat.


The condition may result from an engine-firing harmonic, which becomes noticeable at torque converter clutch (TCC) lock-up.


A new rear leaf spring damper kit (containing two dampers , one per spring) has been developed, to be used in conjunction with a pinion nose damper tuned to 86 Hertz (Hz), to reduce the resultant noise level.


Important: Installation of these dampers will not totally eliminate the boom noise. The boom noise may only be reduced to a more acceptable level. There may be other boom noises, such as body or exhaust, associated with the vehicle and this fix may either diminish or enhance the noise. These other noises should be addressed prior to the correction for the TCC boom dampener being installed.
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That is an interesting bulletin , I will have to crawl under my van and have a look to see if that damper has been installed. I have not noticed any boom but there does seem to be a tiny vibration " barely noticeable " traveling past the 60 mph threshold and I am at stock height still.


Factory Upgrade 101

Finally got around to installing the sliding under-seat storage bin that I picked up along with additional seat bracket at the salvage yard way back when. Hey, I know what you're thinking... it's not much, but it's something! And reread the title, it's only 101 class today. :coffeedrink:

This thing was pretty gnar to start with which is probably why I ignored it for so long.


That, in my van as-is? Nerp.


But I saw the potential and knew that with a little tlc it'd clean up well enough for installation in the Stroverlander! :D

<note to self: remove old Blaupunkt cd changer cable the next time center console is disassembled>


After setting seat back in place, I had to pull it back off again to remove the drawer from slider track (fastened by two push clips) so I'd have enough room to tighten the front seat bracket mounting nuts.


It's not huge, locking nor theft proof but it does allow me to store items out of sight and also clear out some of the stuff from the center console compartment where I've been considering installing a cb radio or some other such communication device.


No one really needs this many photos of an under-seat drawer installation (it may, in fact set some sort of high water mark for irrelevance), but I shot and uploaded them so please continue to suffer on!


Does this drawer make my legs look fat? :sombrero:


A few of the other miscellaneous scores from salvage yard to help keep Stroverlander fresh.

Additional cargo tie-down brackets with hardware to install, door rubber bumpers to replace those that melted in the line of duty, miscellaneous trim hardware and rear door hinge plastic covers to replace those gone mia and some wiring that I've long since forgotten what I was going to use it for.

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Now I'm going to have to look for one of those drawers at the Pick n Pull. Great photo documentation!

...coulda done without the crotch shot, though, lol.



I thought it was classy enough, not too high, or low! :D

Yeah, I was surprised to come across the drawer when I was looking for a seat bracket and thought it would be useful. In a van full of space, compartmentalized storage is surprisingly pretty limited.
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I always feel like I don't leave the PnP with enough stuff so a list is definitely a good idea.

Hey, what do you mean by "warm up"? :D

Good catch on the Mag-Lite, I've carried that thing in my van(s) for ten years or so. Guess it found a new home in the drawer (another photo perhaps?)! Reminds me I need to look into an led conversion for it too.
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