Aussie Locker?


So I went ahead and ordered one, I've been always trying to find a front locker since there is no front ARB available for my rig.Got 25 spline axles and ARB only offers for 28 spline.
I have an ARB rear locker and a front locker always seemed like a great addition.
Sure I got the advice that I could change the front axle but in Taiwan that's not so easy and my understanding for gearing is not quite substantial....
The Lokka appears to me the simplest doable solution...
Cheers from Taiwan,


If welded it will stay locked in 2WD aswell, not really useful?

you don't have free wheeling hubs? from memory if you don't have free wheeling hubs the lokka will make ratcheting noises when turning corners but not a 100% sure we stopped fitting them years ago.
A welded diff is good for when you're 17 and broke, when you're 18 and have a couple hundred you'll wish you hadn't done it. Trust me I've welded many diffs for friends and only ran one personally (front). I would never ever ever run one in the rear, that's the worst.

Ahh this was the one I wanted....Can I say it NOW? :ylsmoke:


A welded diff is good for when you're 17 and broke, when you're 18 and have a couple hundred you'll wish you hadn't done it. Trust me I've welded many diffs for friends and only ran one personally (front). I would never ever ever run one in the rear, that's the worst.

Oh come on. I run a welded diff on my 63' Lotus 7, works fine on the track. :smiley_drive:


I will put this politely, this is likely the worst advice I have read on here in a few weeks, 99% of these rigs are street driven. If you don't understand the context then google is your friend.

Welded spider gears will eat up tires quicker and can be dangerous in wet or snowy conditions even in 2wd, this is even more pronounced when the front is welded. Manual hubs can help but only when in 2wd. A Lokka/Aussie only engages when in 4wd and you experience a slipping tire under throttle, soon as you regain adequate traction or let off the throttle it disengages. I have been doing this stuff for over 16 years and you couldn't pay me to run a welded axle, do it right the first time.

what a load of rubbish


I'm Getting Around To It
Are we referring to a front welded differential as a viable option? Have fun with that. I get a bit tired of waiting for those that have them to get out and lock/unlock a hub to get through stuff; it messes up my video timeline.

John B.


I've rocked a welded diff A LOT, I'm glad to be rid of that. Don't weld a diff ever. ARB is great, traction at the click of a button. I'm sure aussie lockers work awesome as well. Once you get stranded in the middle of the Mohave desert with a blown out rear end, you would think twice about welding diffs. But again, 18 and know money to support an expensive hobbie. Glad those days are behind us for the most part.


Just to be clear I actually referred to the front that I actually thought of welding instead of buying an expensive locker, probably would never do it either way. As I don't do heavy wheeling that requires a front locker. Also I did not know lokka was an option, sounds like a better option for sure.


Expedition Leader
Just to be clear I actually referred to the front that I actually thought of welding instead of buying an expensive locker, probably would never do it either way. As I don't do heavy wheeling that requires a front locker. Also I did not know lokka was an option, sounds like a better option for sure.

The Lokka was linked on the first page of the thread.

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